Category: Serve’s Up

Resurrection YES, Confusion NO

Resurrection YES, Confusion NO

Perhaps I should begin by apologizing for a lame blog title.  Sure, I could go back and correct it rather than typing this apology, but frankly I don’t want to.  I am still smack in...

Coming Full Circle

Coming Full Circle

I received this e-mail earlier this week and share it here with the sender’s permission… Dear Pastor Danny, I am fairly new to the Summit coming regularly for the past few months. One of the...

Ministry Over Duty

Part of my job is to make sure people understand the why behind the what.  I tell my teams often, I care very little if they know the 12 points of their job description.  What...

Frontline Returns

This Saturday it’s supposed to be cold.  We’re talking tongue-frozen-to-the-flagpole cold.  Crank-your-car-thirty-minutes-early cold.  And yes…snotcicle cold. That’s why you need to be at the hottest event in January.  The Summit is hosting our semi-regular volunteer...

1Another :: Serve

At the Summit, we’re currently going through the book of Acts of Sunday morning.  Our Cannonball series is walking us through the “why” of church life.  Because of that, I’m teaming up with the Small Groups Guy over the...

Yule Blog Week Begins!

Yule Blog Week Begins!

I’m going to take a wild guess and say that readership will go down this week.  You’re busy with your Christmas get-togethers, your last-minute shopping, your high-society boiled custard tastings.  And of course, many of...



If you attended the Brier Creek AM campus last Sunday, you heard Pastor J.D. make the challenge for 500 of you to be sent out to one of our other campuses.  January is coming, and...

What Doesn’t Fit?

What Doesn’t Fit?

Since I’ve been listening to lots of Christmas music lately, I’ve been reminded just how weird the whole December tunes industry is.  Call me crazy (you won’t be the first) but do some of these...

Neither Rain Nor Snow…

Superman’s cape is red.  Batman’s is black.  The Summit’s super heroes wear orange. Yeah I said it: orange.  If you were here on Sunday, you know that it was a nasty, funky, rainy, dreary day....

It’s Alive! It’s Spectacular! It’s…

…Christmas at the Summit!* More on that in a minute.  First, let me give you some lead in: December 2001.  A young seminary student and his family are invited to a Christmas event by the...