Category: Staff Stuff

Rules or Tools?

Way back in my first few weeks at the Summit – during the season where all of us were trying to figure out what this new role looked like – my lead pastor made the...

Are You Provoking Your Volunteers to Wrath?

Any time I want to feel really lousy about my [husband skills / parenting skills / boss skills], I flip over to Ephesians 5 & 6. In true Pauline fashion, the apostle uses those two...

Just a Nudge

If you’re like me, you have a dozen projects that need your attention today. A hundred tasks that await you. A thousand open loops running through your cranium. If your church is like mine, you...

When Do You Do And When Do You Delegate?

I believe that a fundamental principle of leadership is this: a leader should never lead where he has not been or isn’t willing to go. There should never be a case where a leader sends his followers...

Get To Inbox Zero Or Get Out Of The Ministry

It might surprise you to know I have a few pet peeves (and also, that our U.S. Congress is divided). I don’t like it when fast food cashiers are hired based on their spiritual gift...

The Hospitality Litmus Test

Think back to last weekend. What did your interaction with guests look like? How many did you speak to? How many did you take the time to notice? How many caused you to interrupt your tasks...

Everybody is Good at Something

If you’re a leader, no doubt you struggle with helping people find their fit. In our “You can do it!” “You’re special!” “You’re a snowflake!” culture, we’ve inadvertently raised a generation and created an environment...

Who’s Gonna Stay at 30K?

It’s football season. Which – for my wife – means one thing: It’s marching band season.  That’s right. Merriem is a marching band gal from way back. Football season means she gets to gleefully anticipate...

Flashback Friday: I Have A Question

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you!   Okay, so I don’t really have a question. For once, I’m not the hand-raised, kid-at-the-back-of-the-class,...

You Need a Story Repository

Every family has one. You know what I’m talking about: that one relative who is the Keeper Of The Stories. He or she bellies up to the dinner table at every birthday party, Christmas, Thanksgiving,...