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Thursday Three For All: Thanksgiving Edition

Thursday Three For All: Thanksgiving Edition

Behind the Scenes of Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. (via @AOLJobs) I thought it was just about holding on to some balloons. Macy’s has standards and no smoking, eating, drinking or gum chewing are permitted once in costume....

A Tale of Two Relationships

There are two businesses that I frequent on a regular basis. (And by “regular” I mean “compulsive.”) These are different businesses, with two different product lines, two different bottom lines. Both businesses are great. Both...

Flashback Friday: A Thanksgiving Parable

Flashback Friday: A Thanksgiving Parable

I’m dialing the archives back five years today. Enjoy a tip o’ the pilgrim’s hat to next week’s holiday: The obvious guests for the celebration would have to be the Indians; so instrumental were they...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Why It Matters What Outsiders Think. (via @davidcmathis) David Mathis hits it out of the park again. (Earlier I linked to his previous post, A Reason To Really Be Offended.) Paul prominently mentions “outsiders” again...

Customer Loyalty Programs and the Church

I thought this article from Help Scout was pretty interesting. The skinny: researchers examined the effect of customer loyalty programs on…you guessed it…customer loyalty. The test involved handing out two sets of “free carwash” cards....

Take Another Look

We like what we know. Whether it’s our favorite lunch spot or trusted vacation destination or a go-to pair of shoes, we’re fans of the familiar. And familiar is okay, as long as we remember...

Flashback Friday: Breeding Generosity

Flashback Friday: Breeding Generosity

In light of our current Staying Faith series, I thought this was a fun post to pull out of the archives for today: Our people simply respond well to the call to give. Whether it’s...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Chemo Crud. Courage. Community. (via @MarkLWaltz) If you’re a regular reader here, you know of my friend and far-off mentor Mark Waltz. What you may not know is that his wife Laura has been fighting cancer valiantly...

Ministry Grid Launches

Ministry Grid Launches

Earlier this year I told you about Ministry Grid, an online training tool that will help you take church leadership development to a new level. I’m honored to be a small part of the Ministry...

So, “Atheist Megachurches” Are Apparently A Thing

So, “Atheist Megachurches” Are Apparently A Thing

Saw this article over the weekend in USA Today. The AP reports that “dozens of gatherings” of atheists are popping up across the U.S. after gaining ground in Britain. Here’s a clip: Hundreds of atheists...

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