Tagged: leadership

It’s Okay To Pass

As I type, I’m sitting in a local tire repair shop, getting my front driver’s side tire plugged. Or patched. Or replaced. They haven’t told me which one just yet, but I’m sure it’ll be...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

You Can Never Know It All. (via @TheJimmyCollins) This is a great post on when to gather more information and when to act. There will never be a situation when we will know everything before we...

Leaders Pick Up The Trash

On Sunday morning I was walking up the sidewalk at one of our campuses when I saw our First Impressions Director coming from the other direction. He’d take a few steps, stoop down. Take a few...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Humanity has only wiped out one disease—smallpox. This is the second. And we’re doing it without meds. (via @22Words) This is simply fascinating. Right now, a mother in South Sudan is sipping from the bucket...

What’s Your Preferred Communication Gateway?

If you need me to do something for you, the best way to get ‘er done is to send me an email. You can send me a text, but it’ll likely get buried and forgotten....

Flashback Friday: Stop Muddying Your Messages

Flashback Friday: Stop Muddying Your Messages

Are you a pastor? Preacher? Speaker? Ministry leader? Businessman? Marketer? Butcher, baker, candlestick maker? This may help end the white noise and drill down to the heart of your message: A unified message cuts through...



You’re looking at a picture of this morning’s kickoff of the 2014 Connections Cohort. To give some context, last year we started a monthly meeting of anyone who’s paid to to Connections Ministry at the Summit:...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Avoiding the Christmas Crowd Trap. (via @MarkLWaltz) A great reminder as we head towards Christmas at DPAC. Don’t just show up to serve. Engage.  We expect thousands of new people this Christmas season. People who haven’t...

Ministry Grid Launches

Ministry Grid Launches

Earlier this year I told you about Ministry Grid, an online training tool that will help you take church leadership development to a new level. I’m honored to be a small part of the Ministry...

Flashback Friday: Let ‘Em Own It

Flashback Friday: Let ‘Em Own It

I’m busy rifling through my daughter’s candy basket, picking out all the Snickers bars. Meanwhile, here’s a post from the archives: Your team will make mistakes. They will have an error. They will fall flat on their face or trip over...