Tagged: marriage

Flashback Friday: Jen Hatmaker Ruined My Marriage

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you! Gather ’round children: I’m about to spin a tale that exposes the seedy...

Flashback Friday: Six Things You Need To Know About Your Wedding

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you! Gather ’round, children. Uncle Danny is going to divert from the normal posts...

Flashback Friday: A Mouse Tale

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you! The last 48 hours in the Franks household have been…interesting…to say the least. We...

Flashback Friday: Deck the Alls

Sadly, it’s the day after Thanksgiving, which means – sadly – this will likely be happening at my house this weekend. Pray for me. Last weekend our family participated in a time-honored annual tradition that...

Flashback Friday: Twenty Years

Today marks 22 years of marriage to my girl. That’s a long time, y’all. I don’t know what I thought life would look like back on that cold January day in 1993, but I couldn’t ask for...

Flashback Friday: A Tree Grows in Durham

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you!   Meticulous research has shown me that there are two kinds of people...

Jen Hatmaker Ruined My Marriage

Gather ’round children: I’m about to spin a tale that exposes the seedy underbelly of hip 70’s kids evangelicalism. For the last several weeks, husbands everywhere have been laid bare to a terror so insidious,...

Thursday Three For All

The Moment in Madison Square. (via @slkooiman, HT @drmoore) Good gracious. This is a beautiful story of marital love, from both sides of the wedding altar. I wanted to tell you so many things.  I wanted...

Flashback Friday: Blowouts and Banjo Music

Flashback Friday: Blowouts and Banjo Music

A completely true tale: …so we made it off of I-40 and pulled over at a gas station in Rose Hill, NC, home of the world’s largest frying pan and a town where the motto is...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Chemo Crud. Courage. Community. (via @MarkLWaltz) If you’re a regular reader here, you know of my friend and far-off mentor Mark Waltz. What you may not know is that his wife Laura has been fighting cancer valiantly...