Tagged: serve

No Insignificant Jobs

“If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the...

Turning Crowds Into Wows

This weekend was the first of two peak attendance weekends we hit every August. It’s when our vacationing families return and our awesome college kids come back, bringing a couple hundred freshmen with them. Side...

Living the Mission

Living the Mission

A bit of backstory: at the church where I serve, our Brier Creek Campus has a venue that opens during the fall and spring, our peak attendance times. We call it “BC South,” and it’s...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Three things that I’ve been reading this week. Enjoy, campers. (Remember, click the bold print to see the original article!)   Measuring church health: How many people will serve? (Tony Morgan) I found this pretty interesting....

Why You Shouldn’t Serve The Church

[This post is based on a sermon I preached at the Summit’s Brier Creek Campus. If you get the notion, you can listen to the entire message here.] You don’t have to live in Church World...

Killing the Culture of Entitlement

[This post is based on a sermon I preached at the Summit’s Brier Creek Campus. If you get the notion, you can listen to the entire message here.] It’s no secret that the Summit is...

Filter Your Focus

Over the last couple of months I’ve read two or three books that just happened to mention the Reticular Activating System. [Pause whilst I attempt to sound smart.] The RAS is the network of nuclei...