Tagged: strategy

Just a Nudge

If you’re like me, you have a dozen projects that need your attention today. A hundred tasks that await you. A thousand open loops running through your cranium. If your church is like mine, you...

Get To Inbox Zero Or Get Out Of The Ministry

It might surprise you to know I have a few pet peeves (and also, that our U.S. Congress is divided). I don’t like it when fast food cashiers are hired based on their spiritual gift...

Who’s In Front Of You?

I hear it all the time. You do, too. Perhaps you’ve said it. I know I have. I need more volunteers! I need more people to serve. I need more people to step up. I...

Flashback Friday: Service Without Service

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you! Not too long ago I heard an interview with Bill Price, co-author of The...

Thursday Three For All

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy.   The Most Important Thing. (via @ThisIsSethsBlog) Sure, you could...

Why Does It Matter?

This’ll surprise you, but I had a lot of pet peeves in college: my roommate who ate nothing but Top Shelf brand spaghetti and meatballs (unheated). Friends in the cafeteria who would grab my ice...

Thursday Three For All

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy.     This Personality Trait Will Make You Indispensable to Your Employer....

Who’s Gonna Stay at 30K?

It’s football season. Which – for my wife – means one thing: It’s marching band season.  That’s right. Merriem is a marching band gal from way back. Football season means she gets to gleefully anticipate...

You Need a Story Repository

Every family has one. You know what I’m talking about: that one relative who is the Keeper Of The Stories. He or she bellies up to the dinner table at every birthday party, Christmas, Thanksgiving,...

The Problem with a Well Oiled Machine

If you’ve been around the church world a while, you may have heard someone refer to your ministry as the proverbial “well oiled machine.” Sure, you know the loose screws and the rusty bolts and the...