Tagged: systems

Who’s Gonna Stay at 30K?

It’s football season. Which – for my wife – means one thing: It’s marching band season.  That’s right. Merriem is a marching band gal from way back. Football season means she gets to gleefully anticipate...

How to Defuse a Volunteer

Maybe it’s happened to you: you’re running through a regular weekend service, minding your own beeswax, and things get tense. I’m talking you-could-cut-it-with-a-knife tense. Somebody’s-about-to-blow tense. Shawty-fire-burning-on-the-dance-floor tense. Something doesn’t go as planned, systems begin...

Thursday Three For All

The Moment in Madison Square. (via @slkooiman, HT @drmoore) Good gracious. This is a beautiful story of marital love, from both sides of the wedding altar. I wanted to tell you so many things.  I wanted...

Stories vs. Statistics

Last week was vacation week for the Franks family. And like all good vacations, I had time to catch up on a backlog of reading (I also watched Dawn of the Prequel to the Sequel of...

What’s Your Leaky Lid?

Let’s start by getting one thing straight: the above photo is a piece o’ stock photography I ripped off of the interweb. Anyone in their right mind knows that the first step in drinking a...

Ten Ways to Keep it Clean

I work in a church office. And if you’ve ever worked in a church office, you know that cleanliness is not always next godliness. Not to be too judgmental, but there are days when “looks...

Flashback Friday: Take Another Look

  …when things get familiar, we tend to get sloppy. We turn inward to our own convenience rather than outward for the sake of our guests. We structure systems around our comfort rather than ease...