Category: First Impressions

Not My Job

Saturday night. I had dropped by the grocery store on my way home from church. Cough drops, ice cream, Diet Coke. It was a tiny little list, just right for the self-checkout line. Except the self-checkout line...

Is Your Guest Service Team in a State of Desperation?

Maybe you’d give a resounding yes! But you might just be answering the wrong question. I’m not talking about a team that has lost its vision, or struggles to get enough volunteers, or seems to constantly experience...

Flashback Friday: A Walk to Remember

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you! For several years Merriem and I lived out in the country, and every...

Getting Personal With Your Guests

One of the beautiful things about serving guests well can eventually become the death knell of a good first impression. Think about it: if you structure your church to treat guests as an honored participant...

Flashback Friday: Make It Remarkable

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you!   Whatever you do, you can do it with flair. If you lead...

One Question Wednesday

What if the entire guest service culture at your church was dependent on the way you interacted with guests last weekend?   Something to think about.     (click for photo credit)

“I’ll See You Tomorrow!”

It definitely wasn’t what I expected. I stopped by the Wendy’s drive through on my way home from church on Sunday. I went through the traditional song and dance with the order taker: place order....

Flashback Friday: Friendly, But Not Intentional

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you! …I’m friendly to the people I know. But it takes intentionality to be...

You Don’t Have To Be The Best

Alert reader and fellow Summit Pastor Josh Navey sent me this article yesterday. Josh knows I’m not a football fan (translated: didn’t play, don’t watch, couldn’t tell you the difference between a Bear and a...

The Shortest Mission Trip You’ll Ever Take

The second Sunday of January is historically one of those high-water marks that our church experiences on an annual basis. Along with the third Sunday in August, we typically see an attendance bump. Folks are...