Category: First Impressions

Guesswork, part one: Killing Culture

Today we begin a new weekly series called Taking the Guesswork Out Of Guest Services. If you’re a pastor or ministry leader of a church with no guest services team, a lagging guest services team, or...

The “Guesswork” Series Begins

Today begins a new series that I’m calling Taking the Guesswork Out Of Guest Services. Well actually, today is the introduction to that series, because that way I get a whole extra week to tease you about it...

Does Attitude Match Atmosphere?

Last weekend I blazed through Nelson Searcy’s new book Connect: How to Double Your Number of Volunteers. I’m sure I’ll return to this blog in the weeks to come to more fully unpack some of the content,...

First Impressions Rap

First Impressions Rap

There’s talent, and then there’s crazy talented. My friend Ashley Unzicker has and is both. Ashley is one half of the Unzicker duo. Her husband Todd is a fellow pastor at the Summit, our Campus...

Making The Most Of Every Opportunity

One of the scriptures that drives our First Impressions Team is Colossians 4:5-6: Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so...

When Culture is Broken

Whether you manage a store or minister at a church, sometimes you have to face the harsh reality that your culture is broken. Exhibit A: last Thursday I went to a local big-box store for...

Flashback Friday: Exceed the Expectation

Flashback Friday: Exceed the Expectation

Ah, Friday. The day where I’m intentionally lazy and repost to the glory of God. …I decided to go for broke and just invite him to church.  Sure enough, he showed up the following Sunday. ...

Gospel or Gimmick?

One of the plumblines for our First Impressions Team is that the gospel is offensive, but nothing else should be (follow the link for a more detailed explanation). That means we intentionally enter into each...

Your Best Is Only As Good As Your Worst

Last night was a fun moment in the life of the Franks family, if you define “fun” as torture + horror x infinity. Jacob and Austin’s school was playing basketball against a school in Wake...

Flashback Friday: She Got It

Flashback Friday: She Got It

I ran across this old post, and it brought back great memories not only of a Durham Performing Arts Center event nearly three years ago, but a reminder of how incredible the DPAC staff was...