Category: General Ranting

Evil Rabbit, Part Deux

Evil Rabbit, Part Deux

Last week I told you about my wife’s demon bunny and how she taunts me with it on a regular basis. (The taunting hasn’t stopped, by the way. Yesterday morning I found it in the...

Exodus 2011

Exodus 2011

Awesome take on what Moses’ journey would look like if it happened in the age of social media. (from Enjoy!

April Showers

April Showers

I’m not sure what Jesus is trying to teach me. Recently I was moving through our offices at a rather high rate of speed. I was late for a meeting and trying to wrap up...

I Would Type (500 Posts)

I Would Type (500 Posts)

Yes, yes, I know it’s a stretch from The Proclaimers’ one-hit wonder, but work with me here, people. Work with me. Today marks a half-a-thousand blog posts here at Connective Tissue. When we began this...

Christmas in February

Christmas in February

That’s right, readers. I’m bringing Santa back. Revisiting the reindeer. Turning back to the tinsel. Christmas happened nearly two months ago, but there was one Christmas-themed video that never made it onto this particular blog....

Uncommon Communion

This post won’t be pretty. The squeamish should look away. And if you’re a neatnik Pharisaical type, just go ahead and start polishing your rifle, because you’re going to need it in 3…2… As a...

Strangely Familiar

Strangely Familiar

This is our Student Pastor, Jason Gaston.                         This is a Sleestak, from Land of the Lost. If it’s okay with you, I’m just...

Topical Tuesday Tip Off

Topical Tuesday Tip Off

It’s time once again, my peeps. Time to let you drive the content of ye olde blogge. Time for you to ask probing questions. Time to delve the depths of my vast theological knowledge. Editor’s...

North South Carolina

North South Carolina

Howdy Blogosphere. I’m back after a nearly two week hiatus. I… Editor: Hold on. You can’t just show up after two weeks and jump right in to content. Where have you been? You know, places....

Year End Review: Posts

Year End Review: Posts

We’re wrapping up a three-day series that’s looking back on 2010: the best search terms, the best books I’ve read, and today…my favorite blog posts. Being a writer is like being a dad. There are...