Category: Growth

Balcony People

Back in the day when I was a Student Pastor, I used to have a pocket full of illustrations for students.  You know the ones…the cutesy little gems that you’d whip out whenever times got...

Be Still And Know…

Alarm clock snooze button I can’t believe it’s time to get up stumble through stubbed toe brew coffee spill coffee curse coffee bless coffee open Bible study Bible pray… Be still and know that I...

Intentional Relationships

Earlier this morning I caught up with one of our church planters who is currently stateside.  I always enjoy getting time with this particular planter, and this morning was especially valuable as we talked through...

Sublime Audacity

A few mornings ago I was struck with the fact that we get to call Daddy.  Think about that: the God who created the universe, the God who holds our eternity, the God who defeated sin...

Don’t Look Back

Wednesday was a first at our household.  After weeks of begging, I finally relented and let my 12 year old hop on the riding mower and mow the lawn.  I had mowed all the tough...

Evangelism Is Too Big Of A Deal

My goal for this Wednesday morning is to have three people (or people groups) incredibly mad at me, lining up at my office door with pitchforks, torches, and my effigy hanging from a cut-off tree...

Forced Sabbath

Forced Sabbath

I’m very much a schedule guy.  I like to have my day organized, like to know what’s happening when, and I get very frustrated when things don’t go according to plan. Like a snow day....

My Fellow Americans…

My Fellow Americans…

Anyone who reads this blog knows I have no problem using my spiritual gift of sarcasm to get the point across.  I thought about using today’s bully pulpit as an opportunity to do some bi-partisan...

Confessions of a Control Freak

“My name is Danny, and I like things to be done my way.” If I ever attend a twelve-step program, that’ll be my opening line.  I was singing Frank Sinatra lyrics before I knew the...