Category: Leadership

Who’s Driving?

I am the veteran of three teenage drivers, and – at the time of this writing – just four short years from the fourth. State Farm has happily taken dump trucks full of my money...

“Your Alternate Agenda is Not Welcome Here.” (part two)

In the last post, we began to unpack the statement “Your alternate agenda is not welcome here.” While it may sound like the epitome of arrogance, I listed three reasons why alternate agendas can’t fly....

“Your Alternate Agenda is Not Welcome Here.” (part one)

“Your alternate agenda is not welcome here.” At first glance, that statement sounds like the epitome of arrogance. The ultimate exclusionary tactic. The words of someone fearful of losing power or influence. Especially if those...

Perfectly Safe Systems

One of the books on my summer reading list is The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure. While I’m not quite finished with...

4 Reasons Leaders Don’t Reproduce Leaders

Many of us carry the title of leader, but we don’t often hold the posture of a leader. In other words, we’re more comfortable doing rather than developing. But a real leader will intentionally develop...

Get Face-to-Face with Your Frustrations

In work and in life, we are going to have to deal with stuff that frustrates us. More accurately, we’ll have to deal with people who frustrate us. Maybe it’s their work style, or their...

The Problem with Powder Kegs

Explosions are rarely a good thing, but never more so than in leadership. When a leader explodes … out of anger, frustration, unmet expectations, whatever … it’s more a reflection of the leader than whatever...

Staying Engaged When You’ve “Been There, Done That”

If you’ve been in ministry for any amount of time, you’ve been there. (And if you haven’t, hang on: your day is coming.) You’re entering into another ministry cycle with the same type of event,...

Lead Your Team to Be Average

Strap yourself in, kids. Uncle Danny is about to walk you through a sports analogy. [Editor’s note: if you’re new, trust us: this will not go well.] A few weeks ago I was having lunch...

We Don’t Talk About Burnout: An Allegory About Church Staff Culture

Janetta Oni is the Creative Director at the Summit Church. If you haven’t seen Encanto yet, then you’ve probably also avoided getting any variant of COVID-19, to which I say, “Where’s your bunker?”  I’m a...