Category: Leadership

Your Realist Needs an Enthusiast. (And Vice-Versa.)

Let me start with a small confession: the older I get, the less excitable I am. I don’t necessarily like that. I kind of miss Danny in his 20s, who took on way too much...

How to Lead a Ministry You Don’t Love

If you haven’t been there, you will: You get hired for your dream job or at your dream organization. The job description is everything you’ve ever wanted, except for that one little add-on ministry at...

How to Lead a Grandfathered-In Volunteer Team

Q: Now that you’re gonna be a grandfather, do you plan on making these types of puns in future post titles? [Suddenly-disgruntled blog reader, Monowi, Nebraska] A: Probably. (And please, call me “Pops.” Grandfather was...

What’s Your Lane?

On the team that I lead, we will occasionally revisit the topic of our “lanes:” We know that on our team, we are responsible for a certain number of things. But just because one particular...

Give Your Team Permission to Call You Out

All of us have work habits that drive our co-workers crazy. Maybe you’re always five minutes late to a meeting. Perhaps it’s your incessant need to get things perfect before you get them published. Maybe...

Kill Your Admin.

Let’s be clear: no one is recommending homicide, bloodshed, permanently dispatching, offing, taking out, or issuing a one-way ticket to buying the farm. (Legal issues covered? Good. Let’s move on.) But whether you call that...

Stop Transacting. Start Relating.

A friend told me this story almost thirty years ago, and I’ve never forgotten it. She was a volunteer, in charge of an upcoming event at her church. In the early stages of planning, her...

How to Fire Yourself (part 2)

This is the second in a two-part series. Read part 1 here. 3. Know the difference between handoffs and hands-off. Once we’ve identified our successor, we don’t wish them godspeed as we race away from...

How to Fire Yourself (part 1)

If you lead in the local church – whether you’re full-time, part-time, paid, or volunteer – it’s time that you ask for your own resignation. Before you start penning that first “I’m outta here” draft,...

Ministry vs. The Machine

Good leaders ought to have a mix of people skills and administrative skills. The first is a non-negotiable, the second is a solid bonus. While administration can always be farmed out to a teammate who...