Category: Purely Personal

You Belong In The Zoo

On Friday, we had the brilliant idea that we’d make the short trip down 85 to spend the day at the North Carolina Zoo. We took Haven once last year, but felt like – now...

Betraying Our Baptist Roots

Betraying Our Baptist Roots

Just another Sunday night at the Franks house. Austin put on some Andy Mineo (or at least I think that was Andy Mineo), and the only two people in our house with any rhythm started...

I Got Middle Schooled

  Yesterday was a hard day. Several weeks ago, I signed up as a volunteer proctor at Jacob & Austin’s school. The sales pitch was that parents were needed to hang out in the rooms...

Parenting 101

When you have four kids, people wrongly assume that you’re a parenting expert. They come by the droves asking advice, lining up at the front door like pilgrims in search of a guru on a...