Category: Purely Personal

Flashback Friday: Silly Rabbit, Red Eyes Are For Demons

Flashback Friday: Silly Rabbit, Red Eyes Are For Demons

Jumpin’ in the wayback machine in 3…2… My wife loves me. I want to tell you that right up front, because based on what you’re about to read, you’re going to question it. You’ll think...

I Got Middle Schooled

  Yesterday was a hard day. Several weeks ago, I signed up as a volunteer proctor at Jacob & Austin’s school. The sales pitch was that parents were needed to hang out in the rooms...

Flashback Friday: Overcharging for the Gospel

Flashback Friday: Overcharging for the Gospel

I own a 14 year old entrepreneur. Well, “entrepreneur” may be too nice of a word. “Con artist,” “swindler,” “shyster” … those are the words that more accurately describe my – ahem – entrepreneur. Austin has launched...

Raise Ebenezer? Check.

Raise Ebenezer? Check.

Two weeks. Two. Glorious. Weeks. That’s what it’s been since the last post. In that time, my girl and I got away for a few days to celebrate twenty years of marriage. It was five...

Flashback Friday: Hooptie Deux Review

Flashback Friday: Hooptie Deux Review

On Fridays we stop the clock and let previous posts do all the work. Thankfully the car in this post has been replaced by an even newer model. But ah, the memories… I’m the proud...

Flashback Friday: Sublime Audacity

Flashback Friday: Sublime Audacity

Every Friday I pull up an old post out of the wayback machine. As they say on prime time TV: if you ain’t seen it, it’s new to you! …my God wants me to call...

Parenting 101

When you have four kids, people wrongly assume that you’re a parenting expert. They come by the droves asking advice, lining up at the front door like pilgrims in search of a guru on a...

Flashback Friday: The Most Selfish Man in the World

Flashback Friday: The Most Selfish Man in the World

According to Google and my stats analyzer, “The Most Selfish Man in the World” is a pretty popular search term. Little do people know they’re gonna get a peanut butter story when they hit “I’m...

Flashback Friday: This Post is Rated PG-13

Flashback Friday: This Post is Rated PG-13

On Sunday my firstborn will turn 17. Dang. That makes his mama old. Here’s a chunk of a post I wrote four years ago when he hit his teenage years. Hey Jacob…thanks for not making...

Flashback Friday: Blame It On The Rain

Flashback Friday: Blame It On The Rain

Since it’s a bright sunny day outside, I figured it made sense to take us back to a rainy-day post. Because I’m all depressing like that. There are moments when you know that the pain...

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