Category: Purely Personal

Death of a Christmas Tradition?

Death of a Christmas Tradition?

I have a confession to make: I’m not supposed to be writing this blog post. Instead, I’m tucked away in my bedroom on Sunday night, sent here by my bride who told me not to...

An Open Apology to My Son*

An Open Apology to My Son*

Dear Austin, It looks like you broke your foot after all.  I’m sorry that I questioned you.  You were right.  I was wr…  wrrrrr… …I didn’t have all the facts. You have to understand that...

Ten Years

Ten Years

Ten years later, I still remember eating hot Krispy Kremes while walking down a cold and windy sidewalk to Nashville’s Baptist Hospital. Ten years later, I remember laughing when she said, “If Gore wins the...

Stuff Spouses Like

Stuff Spouses Like

On Saturday my bride and I attended the Dave Ramsey Live event at the RBC Center.  It was a full day of debt-free discussions, What About Bob clips, and four dollar popcorn, which I purchased...

I’m Going to See Dave

I’m Going to See Dave

I dig Dave Ramsey, and I think you should, too.  That’s not a broadly-painted statement like “I think you should try the new $1 chocolate turnover from Arby’s because it tastes like it’s made of...

Blame It On The Rain

Blame It On The Rain

There are moments when you know that the pain and heartache of parenting is all worth it: watching your child take his first steps.  Helping them learn to ride a bike without training wheels.  Discovering...

The Middle Ages

The Middle Ages

A wise man once said that reality is the best teacher.  If that’s the case, then this weekend reality was one of those nun-style teachers with a ruler that raps you on the knuckles. Last...

Hooptie Deux Review

Hooptie Deux Review

The recent Car for Sale post generated quite a bit of buzz.  For those of you who haven’t abandoned this blog in pursuit of better things like, oh, let’s say bedbugs in New York, here’s...

North Carolina: The First Decade

North Carolina: The First Decade

This post should come with a James Taylor soundtrack. It was ten years ago today that the Franks family loaded up the ’89 Ford Aerostar, said goodbye to friends and family, braved the Smoky Mountain...

Car For Sale

Car For Sale

(Editor’s Note: the car is not really for sale.  No phone calls, please.) On Tuesday, the Franks household lost a dear member of the family.  My ’93 Honda Accord – forever known as the Snot...