Category: Purely Personal

Flashback Friday: So Logical, It’s Scary

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you!   My second born Austin has always been the sweetly-oblivious, doesn’t-always-mean-to-be-funny one in...

Flashback Friday: You Never Leave Middle School

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. Since this one was posted two Halloweens ago, we’ve wised up. We took the bull by the horns or the ghost by...

What Did Your Words Just Say?

Sunday. The grocery store. A quick stop on the way home from church to pick up snacks for small group. Small talk with the lady at the register. “How’s your day going so far?” And a...

No. Just…No.

  (An actual conversation last week while hanging out with my two youngest at Chick-fil-A. The name of the little punk juvenile delinquent has been changed because I can’t afford a lawsuit.) Haven (four years old):...

Sticker Shock

There are certain things prenatal and parenting classes don’t prepare you for. Oh sure, they cover the basics, like childbirth (“Husbands, get out of the way and let her do her thing. Whatever unhelpful colorful...

And There She Goes: Reflections on Day One of Preschool

The word for the day is “bittersweet.” This morning we did one of the things I’ve dreaded since my daughter came into our family: we sent her off to preschool. We’ve never been a preschool family. It’s not...

Jen Hatmaker Ruined My Marriage

Gather ’round children: I’m about to spin a tale that exposes the seedy underbelly of hip 70’s kids evangelicalism. For the last several weeks, husbands everywhere have been laid bare to a terror so insidious,...

Keeping the Maine Thing the Maine Thing

A couple of weeks back I spent the weekend in Maine, officiating a wedding.  Yes: it’s an awful job, but someone has to do it. Maine has always been on my travel bucket list, so...

Ctrl Alt Delta

Last week I found myself on a Delta flight. Not “found myself” in an Eastern mysticism type thing, but…well, you get the picture. We’d been delayed at the gate (page 42 in the Delta manual),...

Flashback Friday: Roundabout Living

Yesterday on the commute to work, I heard a story on the radio about a German woman who got stuck in a roundabout, which is a transportation term that literally means, “Our city is too...