Category: Staff Stuff

One Question Wednesday

From time to time I’ll dial back the multi-paragraph blog posts and drill down on one question. (Okay, I’ve done it twice. But technically that counts as “time to time.” So boom.) Who are you...

Make Monday Matter

It’s Monday. Again. And depending on where you live, it could be one of those Mondays. You know what I’m talking about: you are looking out the window at gray skies and wet ground, and it...

Under Promise. Over Deliver.

One of my favorite customer service guys out there is blogger / author / speaker Micah Solomon. Here’s what he had to say in a recent post: In the movie “Elf,” Will Ferrell plays Buddy,...

Think Through It Before They Think Through It

We’ve talked before about the importance of absorbing the awkwardness for your guests. That means we want to think through their experience before they arrive in order to help them avoid any embarrassment. But as you...

Maybe You Can’t

Leading in ministry isn’t for the faint of heart. There are budgets that need to be stretched, visions that need to be expanded, and volunteers that need to be recruited. Nearly every time our team...

Flashback Friday: When Do You Do and When Do You Delegate?

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you! I believe that a fundamental principle of leadership is this: a leader should never...

Pick Up Your Junk

No matter the experience you provide for your guests on the weekend, a dirty facility is going to leave a bad impression. It doesn’t matter how friendly your greeters are…it doesn’t matter how long your...

Lousy Announcements Lead to Lousy Events

During a recent session of Connections Confab, our Small Groups Pastor David Talbert led a discussion on Starting Point, the newcomers event we host here at the Summit. As an aside, he referenced three reasons that...

Mommy, Where Do Leaders Come From?

Volunteers. Depending on your background or current situation, that word can either strike fear into your heart, fill you with dread, or – if you have had great experiences – make you imagine that you’re...

“Please” is Never Enough.

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you!   If you’re a pastor, no doubt you say “please” a lot. “Would...