Category: Volunteer Culture

Why You Don’t Need To Say “Need”

If I were to ask you the question, Does your church need volunteers?, I’m confident the answer would be a resounding YES. In fact, I’m somewhat confident that your “yes” would follow a series of chortles, guffaws, and...

Defend Your Volunteers

If you’re a ministry leader, you’re eventually going to create a practice, policy, or procedure that’s not all that popular. And chances are, your volunteers are going to be the ones to enforce that policy...

Giving Recognition

It was Ephesus, and it was spring. Which year, exactly, we don’t know, but we know that it was spring, and we know that the apostle Paul was putting the finishing touches on a letter...

Is It Time To Shut ‘Er Down?

As I type, I’m sitting in my sometimes-remote-office, Starbucks. It’s Tuesday, May 29, in the year of our Lord 2018, and we’re 90 minutes away from The Shutdown. If you’re in the distant future and...

Help Them Help Them

This post originally appeared on December 9, 2010.   It’s the post so nice, I named it twice. If you’re a leader of people, part of your job is to help people help people.  In...

Do First Time Guests Still Excite You?

It was an honest question. A haunting question. One that made me pause, and one that made me think: Do we still get excited about this? I mean really get excited about it? Ironically, the question...


A few days ago I attempted to dig up a recently-heard quote. The only problem was that I couldn’t remember exactly where I had heard it. Had I read it in a book? On a blog? Seen...

5 Reasons You Should Serve at Christmas at DPAC

For three days prior to Christmas, the Summit is going to be invading the Durham Performing Arts Center for our sixth year. We’ll be celebrating the incarnation of Jesus, the majesty of the manger, the...

Are Your Volunteers Instruments of Change?

Maybe you’ve noticed a phenomenon taking over your volunteer teams. It’s one that will suck the life out of your people and zap the personal touch from your systems. Too often our volunteers enter into...

Feeling Disconnected? Here’s a Fix.

Whatever size church you attend, there will come a point where you feel left out. Unknown. Like you don’t have the friendships and relationships you’re craving. Feeling connected isn’t correlated to size. It seems counterintuitive,...

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