Category: Volunteer Culture

Four Reasons You’re Not Too Busy to Serve Your Local Church

We tend to wear our busyness as a badge of honor. Often, when I’m asked “How are you doing?” or “What have you been up to lately?” my default answer is, “Man, just busy.” I’m the guy who read...

Maybe Your Problem Isn’t Your People

When it comes to leaders in the church, my favorite Bible verse is Matthew 18:20: “For where two or more are gathered, they shall eventually start griping about their volunteers.” Alrighty, so Jesus never said...

Are You The “Debbie Downer” Of Your Volunteer Team?

You remember Debbie Downer…the Saturday Night Live character played with expert discomfort by Rachel Dratch. She could see the cloud in every silver lining. She could stop a dinner party conversation in its tracks by...

Are You Pandering?

If you lead in any capacity, you run the risk of pandering to the lowest common denominator. Whether you’re a parent or a pastor, a manager or a middle school teacher, the temptation in leadership...

Need An Inexpensive Option for Team Training?

One of the most frequently-asked questions I hear has to do with resources for volunteer team training. That’s one of the primary reasons we put together The Gospel Is Offensive: Five Plumb Lines for Guest Services. In...

15 Easy Ways to Highlight Volunteer Opportunities

“How do I let our church know about opportunities to serve?” It’s a question that I hear often, in one form or another. Whether it’s from one of our campuses or from a church leader...

Rewind: Square Pegs and Round Holes

I’m enjoying some downtime with my family this week, so we’re heading to the archives to pull up some of the earliest content from the blog. This post originally appeared in August 2008.   Life...

Rewind: Dance With The One Who Brung Ya

I’m enjoying some downtime with my family this week, so we’re heading to the archives to pull up some of the earliest content from the blog. This post originally appeared in August 2008.   There’s...

Q&A: Should I Mandate Serving Limits for My Volunteers?

Today’s question comes from our 2017 Blog Survey.    Q: Let’s talk about serving limits. How long do you ask people to serve? Do you give them breaks, and if so, how do you manage those?...

Hand ’em a Hammer

This week our church is moving into a brand-new building in anticipation of a campus move in just a few weeks. It’s the first from-the-ground-up project we’ve undertaken since 1962, so you could say that...

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