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Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

It’s Thursday. I’m lazy. But why should you suffer? Here are three quick reads that I’ve loved this week. Maybe you will, too:   When Leaders React Emotionally: An Interview With Home Depot CEO Frank...

The Tables, They Have Turned

The Tables, They Have Turned

Earlier in life, I was a big fan of surprising my wife. I say “earlier in life,” because it didn’t take me long to realize that she’s not the fan I am. I’d spend weeks...

Let Your Leaders Be Shepherds

It seems simple enough: when you give someone a leadership role, you should expect them to take care of the group they’re leading. But often times, we give them administrative responsibility without the privilege of...

Stuck Like Glue

Stuck Like Glue

There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. There is also a brother that sticketh closer than a friend, especially when a “special friend” is involved.     Important note for marital harmony...

Flashback Friday: The Plane Truth

Flashback Friday: The Plane Truth

Every Friday we slow the heck down and rewind to some classic posts. And by “classic,” I mean “old.” Here’s one for all of you who love to fly… …let’s face it: “imminent death” was...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

T34A time. Here’s some of the stuff I’ve been enjoying this week. You will too. I 74% guarantee it. How Waiters Read Your Table. It’s not a secret that one of the great regrets of my...

Not Their Niche

What happens when a team member (be it paid staff, volunteer, etc.) discovers they’re not passionate about something that’s part of their job? Worse, what happens when you discover it before they do? Maybe their job...

Church of Costco

Church of Costco

Costco is the new KFC. There was a day when you could find all the Baptists scarfing down drumsticks and mashed potatoes & gravy every Sunday afternoon at the Colonel’s place. If the Methodists ever...

Flashback Friday: The View From The Passenger’s Seat

Flashback Friday: The View From The Passenger’s Seat

Today is the day. Our lives have changed forever. We are officially old. Our firstborn is sixteen. While it will be a few more days until Jacob gets the coveted piece of plastic that will...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

It’s that time, boys and girls: time to jump in the wayback machine and dig up a few things from this week’s news… Canadian Man Excavates His Basement Using R/C Trucks Over Seven Years. File this...