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Boom! Roasted.

Boom! Roasted.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know that we spent all last week on the blog talking about the Summit’s Ten Year Anniversary. I know that some of you feel like this Ten Year celebration has actually...

Walkin’ After Midnight

In case I haven’t mentioned it in the last 15 minutes or so, I have a daughter. A daughter whom I love very much. A daughter whom I love very much, despite what you might...

Let ‘Em Own It

If you lead a team of one or 1,000, if you lead a team of all-paid or all-volunteer staff, if you lead a team of pastors or pastry chefs, you need to let ’em own...

Flashback Friday: How Did You Get Here?

Flashback Friday: How Did You Get Here?

This week we’ve been talking about the Summit’s 10th and 50th year anniversary here on the blog. During times with our staff team this week, there have been lots of “how did you get here?”...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Every Thursday we dial back the original content a bit (because let’s face it…Monday through Wednesday ain’t exactly an art walk through the Louvre) and share a little of what I’ve been reading on the...

Where It All Began

Where It All Began

As a part of this week’s Ten Year Anniversary emphasis, the Summit staff and their spouses took a little field trip yesterday back to our roots. Well, some of our roots. The vast majority of our team...

Top Moments in Ten Years

Top Moments in Ten Years

In yesterday’s post I mentioned that we’re celebrating the Summit’s 10th anniversary. On February 17, 2002, Merriem and our two kids at the time walked into Homestead Heights Baptist Church (I followed along the next...

The Summit’s 10th Anniversary

The Summit’s 10th Anniversary

This weekend was a high-water mark at the Summit Church. My family and I have been privileged to be a part of the Summit since close the beginning of J.D.’s tenure here. On Saturday and...

Flashback Friday: Best Guest Story EVER?

Flashback Friday: Best Guest Story EVER?

This weekend we’re celebrating both our 10th and 50th year anniversary. (We can do that because we’re just a bit schizophrenic.) It’s going to be an amazing weekend. If you’ve been at the Summit for...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

I’m still licking my wounds from the fact checker fail of the century in yesterday’s blog post. (Hey…at least I gave UNC some love. They needed it after last night. “You guys didn’t beat your...