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What We’ve Forgotten

There are many details we’ll never forget about that day: where we were when we heard the news. How we heard it. Who we were with. We’ll never forget the shock, the horror, the tears....

Trash Your Vision

I’m usually not a huge fan of chain Mexican restaurants. Oh sure, the food is usually good and my family digs ’em, so I’m there quite a bit. But overall, it’s not what I’d choose....

Choose Your Own Labor Day Adventure

I’ll be honest: I’m not sure I understand Labor Day. Memorial Day? I get that. Veterans Day? Yep. Independence Day, Presidents Day, even Arbor Day…those all make sense to me. But I’ve always been befuddled...



There’s big news coming ’round these parts on Sunday. Huge. Ginormous. Nope, I’m not going to be on the next American IdolĀ (especially after my “Unchained Melody” remix didn’t wow them at tryouts). Nope, I’m not...

Feel The Earth Move

Feel The Earth Move

I gotta tell ya, I feel a little cheated today. On Tuesday the East Coast experienced its first earthquake in decades. It was the talk of the town, the trending topic on Twitter, the leading...

“Please” Is Never Enough

If you’re a pastor, no doubt you say “please” a lot. “Would you please help out in the nursery?” “Can you please consider switching services to make room for guests?” “Please don’t tell anyone you...

Get Ready To Awwww…

Get Ready To Awwww…

I’m a sucker for lots of sappy stuff. Hallmark commercials? They get me every time. Bridge to Terabithia? Cried like a baby. And every once in a while, some of those America’s Funniest Home VideosĀ aren’t...

Big Service. No Bull.

Big Service. No Bull.

What am I amped about lately? This. One HUGE service that the Summit is hosting at the Durham Bulls Athletic Park. This is a rare time in the history of the Summit where all of...

Life. Alone.

Life. Alone.

For the last four days I’ve been a man on his own. My sons are traveling cross country with their grandparents in an RV (National Lampoon movie, anyone?) and Merriem is in the deep south...

Momentous Senior Moments

Momentous Senior Moments

One of the myths of pastoral ministry is that folks of a certain demographic (translated: the older demographic) are hard to deal with. Stuck in their ways. Intolerant of creativity. Ready to hit you with...