Tagged: systems

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

How To Keep A Library Of (Physical) Books. I love me some books (especially the ones that deal with grammar). Ryan Holiday schools us on how to organize an incredibly large library. I’ll be real...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Process Practice: Do You Get It? (via @robertvadams) Everybody seems to have good ideas while in the shower. Bob shows us how to generate those kinds of “aha” moments by hardwiring them into our teams. Inspiration...

Flashback Friday: Who Needs To Know Your Why

Flashback Friday: Who Needs To Know Your Why

  Last week I was talking to a guy who has virtually no first impressions experience, at least in the church world. But it was immediately obvious that he was a Who that already understood the Why. He...

Your Menu Stinks

I love a good Mexican restaurant. Our family has our favorite where we tend to go elbow-deep in the chips and salsa as often as we can. And like most Mexican restaurants, their menu is...

Can Non-Members / Non-Believers Serve In The Church?

Housekeeping note: a newer version of this post is available, with slightly updated language (and a less-blurry header photo!). I’ve chosen to leave this post intact because the attached comments are helpful.  Once a month I...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Are you preparing for growth? (via Steven Kryger) Being a part of a rapidly-growing church for the last decade, I can attest that growth is messy. Sometimes painful. Not always a lot of fun. But part...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

You say, “This is a lazy man’s way of writing a blog post.” I say, “This is the way of a flippin’ GENIUS.” How to set yourself up for a productive day. (via @MichaelHyatt) Ah, if only...

Guesswork, part six: Protection and Progression

It’s the last week of a six part series called Taking the Guesswork Out Of Guest Services. If you’re a pastor or ministry leader of a church with no guest services team, a lagging guest services...

Guesswork, part five: Build the Team

We’re in week five of a series called Taking the Guesswork Out Of Guest Services. If you’re a pastor or ministry leader of a church with no guest services team, a lagging guest services team, a...

Answer the Question They’re NOT Asking (part two)

Yesterday’s post was intended to be a stand-alone topic. I didn’t mean for it to turn into a two parter. But I also never mean to eat the whole plate of Kung Pao Chicken at...