Author: Danny

Danny Recommends: Jumbo Dry Erase Markers

Every so often we dip our toes into a series called Danny Recommends:, posts that tip you off to the stuff that I…you know. The recommendations might be products for use in your ministry, resources that will...

…But Did You See the Gorilla?

You’re likely familiar with the Invisible Gorilla Test, a 1999 study where researchers asked participants to watch a brief video of people passing a basketball. Subjects were told to count the number of times that...

You Don’t Have to Be a Five-Star Restaurant to Create a Five-Star Experience.

Much has been made of the cultural icon that is White Castle. We tend to dismiss the tiny square burgers that are colloquially referred to as “gut bombs.” White Castle is never going to make...

Say Hey to Byrdie Rae.

…and then there were four. If you’re keeping score at home, the Franks family just added grandchild #4 to the roster (and the third in the span of the last eight months!). Byrdie Rae Franks...

How to Change Your Culture…When It’s Not Your Job.

All of us have found ourselves in the position of wanting to make changes…when we actually haven’t been asked to make changes. We see the need. We feel the stirring. We observe the discontent. But...

Harry Nyquist, Illuminators, and Why Our Investments Matter

Last year I listened to the audio version of David Brooks’ How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen. I was barely a chapter in when I realized...

Q&A: How Do I Balance “Paid” vs. “Authentic” Ministry?

Q: I’m struggling with the balance of “paid work” vs. authentic, organic ministry and service. How do I avoid the feelings of burnout and going through the motions when it comes to church life? [Anonymous...

How to Get the Best Deals on Bulk Books

We’re coming up on the most wonderful time of the year: Book Discussion Season. What? Your calendar doesn’t say anything about BDS? Can’t find BDS cards at your local Hallmark store? Never even HEARD of...

How to Help Your Volunteers to Grow Spiritually

Leading volunteers is like (say it with me, you know all the tropes)… If there’s one topic that comes up when leaders gather together, it is how to best lead volunteers. Our life verses toggle...

Be Kind, Be Firm: Setting Expectations for Your Guest Services Systems

We’ve either been there, or we will be: “there” is that moment when a regular attendee is cheating the system you’ve set up for your guests, or for a certain demographic of your congregation. For...