Author: Danny

100th Post and a Poll

100th Post and a Poll

That’s right, Connective Tissue readers: break out your cyber-confetti and blow your celebratory interweb kazoo…it’s the 100th post.  I was going to wow you with some fancy-schmancy statistics on how many posts that breaks down...

The Snowball Effect

The Snowball Effect

Believe it or not, this is not another post in homage to this week’s snowfall.  For that story – including my gratuitous use of the word “poo” on a ministry blog – click here. Snowflakes...

Frank Capra was a Liar

For my out-of-state readers, let me bring you up to speed by telling you that the Triangle area received anywhere from 2 to 6 inches of snow on Monday night.  (Without that info, this story...

What Are Your “What Ifs?”

What Are Your “What Ifs?”

As I’ve mentioned, last Saturday we held our Frontline event, where we bring in both seasoned and future volunteers and expose them to the major opportunities of service at the Summit.  I had the privilege...


This is a view of my office after a busy Frontline / Starting Point weekend.  There comes a point on a weekend like this that you stop looking for places to put things, and just...

Sweet Sixteen

Today, there will be no Frontline preparation.  There will be no answering e-mails.  Heck, there won’t even be my hourly check of Drudge Report. Today my bride and I celebrate sixteen years of marriage.  I’m...

Book Review: Lasting Impressions

Not too long ago I posted my list of my top five reads of ’08.  Topping the charts was Lasting Impressions, the much-anticipated release by Mark Waltz (you can read about the giddiness here). I spent...

Winner, Winner, Burrito Dinner

I remember a conversation with my middle son about filling out one of those “free dinner” cards that you often see sitting in the lobbies of restaurants or the countertop at a gas station.  I...

Frontline Returns

This Saturday it’s supposed to be cold.  We’re talking tongue-frozen-to-the-flagpole cold.  Crank-your-car-thirty-minutes-early cold.  And yes…snotcicle cold. That’s why you need to be at the hottest event in January.  The Summit is hosting our semi-regular volunteer...

Sunday Morning Fashion Show

Sunday Morning Fashion Show

Oh, to be a fly on the wall in the Summit offices. Most of the pastors at the Brier Creek AM campus arrive somewhere between 7:00 and 7:30 on Sunday morning.  It’s a good quiet...