Author: Danny

Neither Rain Nor Snow…

Superman’s cape is red.  Batman’s is black.  The Summit’s super heroes wear orange. Yeah I said it: orange.  If you were here on Sunday, you know that it was a nasty, funky, rainy, dreary day....

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Summit offices are closed Thursday and Friday, and I’m taking a blogging break until next week.  I’ll be spending the weekend eating, reading and putting up the tree. And depending on how J.D. and Rick feel about this...

A Thanksgiving Parable

It’s 2008 in Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts.  Due to unforeseen delays and dramatic blogging license, the pilgrims are 400 years late arriving in the new world.  The following is a recap of the first Thanksgiving. After...

J.D.’s Product Placement

J.D.’s Product Placement

I’m proud to be the owner of the object that has been used as an illustration in several of J.D.’s sermons.  It happened again on Sunday for at least the fourth time.  Four is more...

I Can’t Fight This Feeling Anymore…

I Can’t Fight This Feeling Anymore…

Sorry, 70’s children.  This isn’t a tribute to what might be the greatest band of all time…maybe some other day. But today, I’ve waited as long as I can.  This morning at 8:00 AM Eastern...

It’s Alive! It’s Spectacular! It’s…

…Christmas at the Summit!* More on that in a minute.  First, let me give you some lead in: December 2001.  A young seminary student and his family are invited to a Christmas event by the...

Proverbial Hilarity

Proverbial Hilarity

My twelve year old and I were having a conversation a few weeks ago about his daily devotionals.  This is a habit he started a few months back, and this proud dad has been very...

Ya Think?

Ya Think?

Overheard in the Summit offices last week… Bethany:  Does anyone know the name of that Mexican restaurant over by Carolina Ale House in Brier Creek? Rick:  Ummm…it’s El something. By golly, I think he may...

Hansbrough-Sized Ego

Hansbrough-Sized Ego

Last week I was sitting in the living room minding my own business, when one of my Sons Who Shall Remain Nameless walked out of his bedroom.  The following is almost a word-for-word replay:  ...

One Recap

One is done. I survived Swedish meatballs, a very thin mattress, and being the umpire in a kickball tourney. I made it through high wind, deep puddles, and seventh grade boys who smell like beef stew. ...