Category: First Impressions

Why We Don’t Use The “V-Word”

My family is going through a season where we have to watch our language. We have a two year old politeness monitor who has been told that she can’t say “stupid.” So every time I...

The Sermon Really Does Start In The Parking Lot

Every once in a while an email comes across my computer screen that just has to be shared. This is one of those. I share the following (abbreviated) selection with the author’s permission: Hello Danny,...

Flashback Friday: Be. Aggressive. Be, Be Aggressive

Flashback Friday: Be. Aggressive. Be, Be Aggressive

It’s Friday. My proverbial feet are up. I’m pondering deeper issues of the universe like “How has Nickelback sold that many albums?” and “Why do I have proverbial feet?” Anyway, here’s a clip from the...

Flashback Friday: When A Good Deal…Isn’t

Flashback Friday: When A Good Deal…Isn’t

Here’s an oldie but a somewhat-goodie. What makes it goodie, you ask? It’s already been written. I’m takin’ the day off. …we’re going to need your Social Security number, you need to quote five consecutive...

The Not-So-Secret Leadership Principles of Chick-Fil-A

A few weeks ago I was invited to attend Chick-Fil-A’s Customer Appreciation Night here in Raleigh-Durham. Dan Cathy, President and COO of my favorite chicken chain, was in town and we were going to party till...

Use Your Own Bathroom

I’m not exactly what you would call a public restroom aficionado. As a born-and-bred germaphobe, I’m not a big fan of hanging out in the bacterial rodeo we call the men’s room. I believe that a...

The First Visit Should Set Up The Second Visit

This is part five in the Five Plumb Lines series. Jump to the other posts at the bottom of the page.  The first visit should set up the second visit.  My entire first impressions paradigm...

Make it Personal.

This is part four in the Five Plumb Lines series. Jump to the other posts at the bottom of the page.  Make it personal. I don’t care what size your church is. You can be...

Everything Speaks

This is part three in the Five Plumb Lines series. Jump to the other posts at the bottom of the page. Everything Speaks. We no longer live in a world where people expect (and even...

Case Study: To Tow Or Not To Tow?

A few weeks back I wrote about our new parking policy which stated that if a regular attending yahoo decides to park in First Time Guest parking, we’d tow them several zip codes away and also...