Category: First Impressions

The Why Is More Important Than The What

This is part two in the Five Plumb Lines series. Jump to the other posts at the bottom of the page.  The why is more important than the what.  The First Impressions Team tends to...

Book Review: How to Wow

Book Review: How to Wow

You only have to be a semi-regular reader of this blog to know that I’m a big proponent of just about anything Mark Waltz writes on the subject of guest services. Mark was a Connections...

The Gospel Is Offensive. Nothing Else Should Be.

This is part one in the Five Plumb Lines series. Jump to the other posts at the bottom of the page.  The Gospel is offensive. Nothing else should be. Let’s face it: most of us...

Flashback Friday: Resources

Flashback Friday: Resources

We’re wrapping up a two day conference called The Gospel Summit. It has been an incredibly energizing experience to be with and learn from more than 300 pastors and ministry leaders from across the country....

The Bus Is Coming

I wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t have two dozen witnesses. I was at a lunch last weekend with my two oldest sons and a small army of friends from our First Impressions Team....

Flashback Friday: Engage Or Get Out

Flashback Friday: Engage Or Get Out

Yet another sub-standard customer service experience yesterday made me think of this post. What are your worst customer experiences? Comment below. Being a customer service hero doesn’t take any extraordinary skills, but it does take...

Who Needs To Know Your Why.

If you hang around me for about seven minutes or so, you’ll immediately recognize two things: 1. I’m a big fan of Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs. You don’t necessarily need to do anything with that...

New Day, New Parking Rules

New Day, New Parking Rules

Before you read the following post, take note that the original publication date was April 1. April. First. April Fools Day. Thank you. And carry on. If you’re a regular reader of this blog who...

People Trump Policies – Every Single Time

People Trump Policies – Every Single Time

West Club Campus Pastor Brad O’Brien tipped me off to this post by Phil Cooke. One quote worth mentioning… …your customers, media audience, or donors don’t care about your policy about anything. Policies are to...

Don’t Look Right

A few years ago I attended a security seminar for churches. You know…how to take down a perpetrator when they try to take two crackers out of the Lord’s Supper tray. (My previous experience as...