Category: First Impressions

Some Things You Can’t Unsee

Some Things You Can’t Unsee

Recently I was hanging out in my Starbucks annex office with my friend Ben Salmon. I enjoy hanging out with Ben, even though he has an annoying habit of wanting to sit on a cedar...

Flashback Friday: Best Guest Story EVER?

Flashback Friday: Best Guest Story EVER?

This weekend we’re celebrating both our 10th and 50th year anniversary. (We can do that because we’re just a bit schizophrenic.) It’s going to be an amazing weekend. If you’ve been at the Summit for...

Stop. Think.

Every weekend, you commit a huge sin against those that come into your church: you refuse to think through their experience. You don’t think about where they’ll park, which door they’ll enter, how they’ll find...

Make It Remarkable

Update: Sharon Adl-Doost – featured in the post below – passed away in 2017. While the Lunch Lady Hotline is no longer a working number, I’ve chosen to leave the post up in honor of a...

The Details Nobody Sees

Last fall I had the opportunity to spend a week with about 80 church planters in Nairobi, Kenya. As part of that week’s agenda, I got to tag along on a safari in the northern...

Church of Crisco

Church of Crisco

It’s that time of year again, when college students come back and the 12th day of Christmas is officially over and Summit pastors get a dazed look in their eyes and start muttering near-unintelligible things...

Context Matters

Around these parts, we talk a good bit about guest services within the church…how to make great impressions on those that walk through your doors for the first time. From time to time, I have...

Subtle Cues

As I type, I’m sitting in a McDonald’s at 7:49 PM on a Monday night. I can’t tell you why I’m sitting in McDonald’s, but I can tell you that it has nothing to do...

Your Reputation is at Steak

I’m a sucker for a good customer relations story. As a guy who helps design the experience for our first time guests, I love tales of organizations who go above and beyond to “WOW” their...

Taking Ownership, Jim’s Dogs Style

Taking Ownership, Jim’s Dogs Style

My good friend and rock star First Impressions Team member Clayton Greene sent me the following story. With his permission, I’m reprinting it in it’s entirety. Don’t let the “home trimming device” line fool you...