Category: First Impressions

Gospel-Centered Coffee

Gospel-Centered Coffee

[Editor’s note: before you read this post, please take notice of two things: 1. It was originally penned on April 1. (APRIL. FIRST.) 2. And if “April 1” does nothing to jog your brain, you should...

She Got It

She Got It

I wrote yesterday about my date night night with my wife over the weekend.  Today’s post is about the top-notch guest services that Durham Performing Arts Center (DPAC) provided. The experience from beginning to end...

Coming Full Circle

Coming Full Circle

I received this e-mail earlier this week and share it here with the sender’s permission… Dear Pastor Danny, I am fairly new to the Summit coming regularly for the past few months. One of the...

Ministry Over Duty

Part of my job is to make sure people understand the why behind the what.  I tell my teams often, I care very little if they know the 12 points of their job description.  What...


There’s an old joke about a guy who went to prison and ended up in a row of cells with all of the “lifers” … those guys who had been in the place since the...

Service Without Service

Not too long ago I heard an interview with Bill Price, co-author of The Best Service is No Service.  The basic thesis of the book is that as a business / church / whatever-we-are, we should...

The Snowball Effect

The Snowball Effect

Believe it or not, this is not another post in homage to this week’s snowfall.  For that story – including my gratuitous use of the word “poo” on a ministry blog – click here. Snowflakes...

What Are Your “What Ifs?”

What Are Your “What Ifs?”

As I’ve mentioned, last Saturday we held our Frontline event, where we bring in both seasoned and future volunteers and expose them to the major opportunities of service at the Summit.  I had the privilege...

Book Review: Lasting Impressions

Not too long ago I posted my list of my top five reads of ’08.  Topping the charts was Lasting Impressions, the much-anticipated release by Mark Waltz (you can read about the giddiness here). I spent...

Frontline Returns

This Saturday it’s supposed to be cold.  We’re talking tongue-frozen-to-the-flagpole cold.  Crank-your-car-thirty-minutes-early cold.  And yes…snotcicle cold. That’s why you need to be at the hottest event in January.  The Summit is hosting our semi-regular volunteer...