Category: First Impressions

Tell the Why

Your Why matters. You have to know it, your team has to know it, and you have to know that your team knows it. Here’s why you have to continuously repeat the Why… The Why...

50 Word Week: Bay Venue

50 Word Week: Bay Venue

We’re in the middle of 50 Word Week on the blog.  The title and this paragraph don’t count.  Fifty words begin…now. For the next three Sundays, we’re going to open the Bay as an additional...

Take a Breath, Summit Peeps…

Take a Breath, Summit Peeps…

…we’re just a couple of days away from Easter Sunday.  It will be the biggest attendance weekend in history at the Summit Church, and here’s what you can do to get prepared: Serving?  Then make...

Resurrection YES, Confusion NO

Resurrection YES, Confusion NO

Perhaps I should begin by apologizing for a lame blog title.  Sure, I could go back and correct it rather than typing this apology, but frankly I don’t want to.  I am still smack in...

Gospel-Centered Coffee

Gospel-Centered Coffee

[Editor’s note: before you read this post, please take notice of two things: 1. It was originally penned on April 1. (APRIL. FIRST.) 2. And if “April 1” does nothing to jog your brain, you should...

She Got It

She Got It

I wrote yesterday about my date night night with my wife over the weekend.  Today’s post is about the top-notch guest services that Durham Performing Arts Center (DPAC) provided. The experience from beginning to end...

Coming Full Circle

Coming Full Circle

I received this e-mail earlier this week and share it here with the sender’s permission… Dear Pastor Danny, I am fairly new to the Summit coming regularly for the past few months. One of the...

Ministry Over Duty

Part of my job is to make sure people understand the why behind the what.  I tell my teams often, I care very little if they know the 12 points of their job description.  What...


There’s an old joke about a guy who went to prison and ended up in a row of cells with all of the “lifers” … those guys who had been in the place since the...

Service Without Service

Not too long ago I heard an interview with Bill Price, co-author of The Best Service is No Service.  The basic thesis of the book is that as a business / church / whatever-we-are, we should...

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