Category: General Ranting

Year End Review: Search Terms

Year End Review: Search Terms

I heart me some Google search terms. I believe that when Al Gore was inventing the Internet, there’s no way he could have foreseen the fun you could have by typing in random stuff and...

Sad Christmas Carols

Over on my alternate world known as The Twitter, it’s been a fun few weeks as we’ve been taking a look at Sad Christmas Carols. You know…not the CheeryHappyJollyMerry songs that greet you in every...

O Little Town of 2k10

O Little Town of 2k10

More than likely, you’ve already seen this. I tend to be late to the viral video scene, mostly because I wash my hands a lot and wipe my keyboard down with antibacterial wipes. But if...

Sbarro’s Messiah?

Sbarro’s Messiah?

Well folks, Chris Gaynor and the Summit Brier Creek Worship Choir* are at it again. I’ve obtained exclusive footage of one of their recent flash mob performances at a local mall… I think when Handel...

“We Don’t Do Comfortable.”

“We Don’t Do Comfortable.”

Warning: this post has the potential to make you want to respond. Don’t fight it. One of our pastors received this from a friend. The friend is on staff at a church in the Triangle...

O Holy Night: The Mystery Revealed

O Holy Night: The Mystery Revealed

For the last eight or nine Christmases, the butchered version of “O Holy Night” has been an annual staple of my iTunes lineup. Ever since a friend tried to convince me it was a real...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

No deep thoughts.  Just a funny video (and product placement) about a slippery turkey. And if you’re in the mood for a walk down memory lane, you can check out “A Thanksgiving Parable” from a...

Hooptie Deux Review

Hooptie Deux Review

The recent Car for Sale post generated quite a bit of buzz.  For those of you who haven’t abandoned this blog in pursuit of better things like, oh, let’s say bedbugs in New York, here’s...

Crummy Church Signs

Crummy Church Signs

There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t weep bitter tears over the demise of the Crummy Church Signs blog.  The guy who ran that thing gave voice to a truth that I’ve...

Our Father, Who Art in Customs

Last Sunday I returned from a trip overseas.  Getting onto our flight, our team got hot and sweaty unloading and reloading our baggage in 145% humidity (would you like to feel “sticky” or “extra sticky”...