Category: General Ranting

Christmas Movies We Can Do Without

Christmas Movies We Can Do Without

In yesterday’s post I told you about the Christmas songs that make me want to dive headfirst into a den of angry wolves.  Lest ye think that only one type of media angers me, here’s...

Christmas Songs We Can Do Without

Christmas Songs We Can Do Without

You won’t find anyone who likes Christmas music much more than I do.  I have to fight good common sense every year to keep from cranking up a little Bing Crosby way before Thanksgiving.  But...

Summit Predictions for 2010

Summit Predictions for 2010

This is an insider’s post for those of you who were in our worship services yesterday (or heck, just about any Sunday).  With apologies to John Posey, a Summit member who used to write fun...

New Week, New Stuff

New Week, New Stuff

There’s a couple of new features on the blog today that I’m especially psyched out of my mind about. (What movie am I quoting from?) I’ve added a new “First Time Here?” page that will...

Bohemian Saturday Bonus

Bohemian Saturday Bonus

We interrupt this weekend to bring you a rare Saturday post from Connective Tissue.  If you’re a Muppet fan (and what God-fearing, flag-waving, apple pie-eating, baseball-playing American ISN’T?) you’ve gotta see this…

Blog Giveaways Galore!

Blog Giveaways Galore!

…but not on this blog.  Because I’m cheap. But over on the Brier Creek AM Campus Blog, you can leave a comment each day this week and register to win a copy of A Praying...

I’ve Just Been Upgraded

I’ve Just Been Upgraded

So if you follow me on Twitter – Editor’s Note: Whoa there.  Is there a shameless plug coming up? – absolutely not.  If you follow me on tell all your friends and neighbors and...

How To Wake Up On Monday…

How To Wake Up On Monday…

Pray. A lot. Drink coffee. Lots of it. Watch this. Maybe multiple times. At high volume. My personal goal for today: work the phrase “Whenever you ready, frog, we do this” into at least one...



Let’s get one thing straight: I’m not a culture-hater.  True, I don’t always understand the culture (who is this Miley Montana chick, and why is she on my TV/radio/lip gloss tube/oh-wait-I-meant-to-say-brass-knuckles?) but I don’t hate...

You Can Get Here From There

You Can Get Here From There

It’s time, dear readers, for the semi-every-other-little-while list of weird search terms…those odd descriptors that people typed into Google and ended up right here on ye olde blogge. (No extra charge for today’s British flair!)...