Category: General Ranting

Crumminess Lives On…

Crumminess Lives On…

Since this blog’s inception I’ve had a link to Crummy Church Signs in the “You Need to Read” section to the right.  It was with a tremendous amount of sadness that I logged on a...

Write Your Own Caption

Write Your Own Caption

I tell you, people, sometimes this blog just writes itself.  Below is a picture of my receipt from yesterday’s lunch.  Imagine my surprise and delight when I got back to the car and looked at...

Been There, Done That, Now…

Been There, Done That, Now…

…get the t-shirt! As a former student pastor, I am the proud owner of no fewer than 718 t-shirts.  Each one has a proud history, from summer camps to mission trips to annual themes to...

In The Heat Of The Night

In The Heat Of The Night

Not too long ago I developed a condition known as “I’m old.”  True, I’m only 35, but I can no longer sprawl out in a chair or bed any old way I want to without...

Hey BFFs, This Made Me LOL

Hey BFFs, This Made Me LOL

From Fox…   Texting Teen Falls Down Open NYC Manhole A New York City teenager says she was text messaging while walking down the street — and the next second she was down a manhole....

Happy Blogday

Happy Blogday

Drum roll, please… (No seriously, go ahead and rock one out on your desk.  I’ll wait.) Today is the one year anniversary of the Connective Tissue blog.  Or birthday.  Or day of observance.  Come on,...

He Had Me At “Pig Ears”

He Had Me At “Pig Ears”

A few weeks back I asked you to submit your worst job stories: those experiences which you survived, but now make you uncomfortable to watch The Office because it hits a little too close to...

Reasons I Hate Jet Lag

Reasons I Hate Jet Lag

Yes, I promised that I would begin posting today about the great Greece adventure, and yes I know posts normally pop up by 7 AM, but I’m not feelin’ it, and here’s why… For most...

…Well, This Is Just Stupid

…Well, This Is Just Stupid

I saw this sign the other day and immediately realized that something was horribly, horribly wrong with our world: Who would need to borrow a penguin?  And what would you use for collateral?   Most...

Perhaps You Didn’t Hear Me…

Perhaps You Didn’t Hear Me…

The World Wide Interweb is a funny thing.  Because it greatly reduces face-to-face interaction, it’s hard to tell if someone is happy or sad, being serious or sarcastic, mildly anxious or standing on the side...