Category: General Ranting

It’s a Great Day to be a…

It’s a Great Day to be a…

When I arrived at the office this morning, this guy* and one of his friends were waiting on me.  I know it’s dreary and rainy and somebody out there is making cracks about building a...

50 Word Week: What I’ve Learned

50 Word Week: What I’ve Learned

Today we wrap up 50 Word Week on the blog.  The title and this paragraph don’t count.  Fifty words begin…now. Here’s what I’ve learned at the end of 50 Word Week: You can crank out...

50 Word Week: Headlines

50 Word Week: Headlines

We’re in the middle of 50 Word Week on the blog.  The title and this paragraph don’t count.  Fifty words begin…now. My two favorite headlines from last week: US Military Blows Up Pigs to Test...

50 Word Week: Confession

50 Word Week: Confession

We’re in the middle of 50 Word Week on the blog.  The title and this paragraph don’t count.  Fifty words begin…now. On Good Friday when I should have been observing the sacrifice of Jesus, I...

…And I Was Afraid Easter Had Gotten Too Commercial…

…And I Was Afraid Easter Had Gotten Too Commercial…

Well, at least it wasn’t produced by LifeWay. My good friends at Hershey’s, the same people who brought us the Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg and my ever-expanding waistline / borderline sugar coma, have rolled out...

By the Way, Happy April 1st…

By the Way, Happy April 1st…

If  you haven’t read yesterday’s post yet, go ahead.  Read it.  I’ll wait… (No, seriously.  It’ll be fun.) Welcome back.  In case you’re not the saltiest french fry in the Happy Meal – or if...

Gospel-Centered Coffee

Gospel-Centered Coffee

[Editor’s note: before you read this post, please take notice of two things: 1. It was originally penned on April 1. (APRIL. FIRST.) 2. And if “April 1” does nothing to jog your brain, you should...

Important Stuff I’ve Learned This Week…

Important Stuff I’ve Learned This Week…

It’s hyperlink Friday. Click ’em if you got ’em! When a guy has to ditch lunch plans at your favorite Chinese joint because he has a stomach bug, it’s best to take his word for...

Directory Persistence

Directory Persistence

The scene: Highway 15-501 South; I am in my car on the cell phone, trying to compare prices on getting the tank for the gas grill filled, because yes, I’m just that cheap. Audio-Animatronic Operator...

Ask the CP: Daylight Savings Time

Ask the CP: Daylight Savings Time

Dear Connections Pastor: Can you explain Daylight Savings Time to me, the general public?  What is it?  Why do we need it?  Could we live without it? Signed, Springing Forward in Fuquay   Dear Springing:...