Category: Outta Here

Believe: Finish Line?

Sunday was the culmination of our Believe project.  At all four campuses all day long, we prayed, gave, and worshipped the God who made it all possible. If you’re like me, Sunday was also the...

Divine Encounters

Here’s a peek into my world over the last ten days: I had a conversation with a guy who doesn’t attend our church.  He was raised in church, but now doesn’t know what he believes...

Goodbye, Amber

Today is going to be a bittersweet day around the Summit offices.  For the last six years we’ve worked and laughed and cried and served with a great friend.  Today, that friend is doing something...

Believe: Money Talks?

As a pastor, it’s drilled into your head that you don’t talk about money.  Ever.  Never ever.  I don’t know who drills that in there, necessarily, but it’s true.  Or at least I think it...

Believe: It’s for the Kids

Don’t break out your Whitney Houston soundtrack just yet.  That’s not where I’m going. My wife – in addition to taking good care of me while I’m at the dentist – also has some incredibly...

Believe: Back the Truck Up

Believe: Back the Truck Up

…that’s what we’re doing this Sunday.  At each of our campuses, we’re going to have tractor trailers, U-Hauls, pickups, and the occasional little red wagon for our Day of Hope. As you’ve heard if you’ve...

Believe: Cardboard Testimonies

Believe: Cardboard Testimonies

This past Sunday at the Summit was another incredible day. (I actually get tired of saying “incredible” about the Summit, because lately all Sundays have been incredible.  Tell me I’m lying and see if I...

Believe: A Different Breed

On Sunday morning I had the opportunity to talk to a former Journeyman* who recently moved to the area and started attending the Summit.  After we made a few small-world connections, the conversation turned to...

Salvation by Super Bowl?

Salvation by Super Bowl?

You don’t have to hang around me long to know that I’m not the saltiest french fry in the Happy Meal when it comes to sports.  Sure, I played growing up, if you define “play”...

Believe: An Inside Look

If you missed yesterday at the Summit, run, don’t walk, to our sermon download center and carve out some time to listen up (the message will be up sometime today).  Pastor J.D. pulled the lid...