Category: Pandemic

Stuff To Ask When Ditching The Masks

It’s safe to say that last Thursday, a whole lot of stuff happened really fast. The Centers for Disease Control said that fully vaccinated people can ditch the mask outdoors and mostly ditch them indoors....

The NoTurna® Vaccine Is Coming!

Before you read the following post, take note that the original publication date was April 1. April. First. April Fools Day. Thank you. And carry on. Our long international nightmare is almost over. You may...

Triage Your Team: How to Make the Most of a Low Weekend

Every leader has been there: the Saturday night phone call. The Sunday morning text message. The inexplicable half-dozen who obviously collaborated and decided they were picking this weekend to be no-shows. At some point, we’re...

Covid-Friendly, Congregationally-Friendly, or Community-Friendly?

This weekend, most of us will be hitting the one-year mark from when all of our churches moved online. We’ve learned a lot since March of 2020. New ways of ministry have been introduced that...

“Love Thy What?”: 7 Ways to Befriend Your Neighbor During COVID-19

Our culture didn’t need any assistance in further isolating ourselves, and yet a global pandemic has managed to do just that. Each day we hear stories of people who yearn for community and friendship. Singles and...

The Team You Think You Have Is No Longer the Team You Have.

Back in the fall, some of our campuses sent out surveys to volunteers, gauging their readiness to serve again. Up to 40% of team members said they’d be back when weekend services relaunched. But once...

You Won’t Make Everyone Happy. Be Kind Anyway.

Leaders, you don’t need me to remind you that we’re in a hard place. And it’s nowhere close to over. 2020 brought us a pandemic, an election, serious racial unrest, and more division than many...

2020 Year in Review: Posts

It’s that week where everybody and their mama starts cranking out top ten lists like a pre-bearded David Letterman. As you might’ve guessed, the vast majority of this year’s most-read posts had something to do...

A Very COVID Christmas

We made it to December, y’all. And now that the last of the leftovers have mercifully disappeared and the decorations have emerged from the attic, it’s time to turn our attention to Christmas services. In...

It’s Not (Just) About the Mask

Last weekend I led a guest services training for a church in another state. Between the time my flight landed and the start of my speaking engagement, I had some extra time to swing by...