Category: Staff Stuff

Keep An Eye on This Guy

Keep An Eye on This Guy just named our own Pastor J.D. as one of the Top Ten Pastors To Watch in 2010. Truth be told, we’ve been watching him for a while now.  That extra slice of pizza on...

Make Room, Blogosphere

Make Room, Blogosphere

Last week you might have felt a little colliding o’ the universes, as the Summit launched yet another blog (our motto: “1000 churches in 40 years x 37.5 blogs per church = not nearly enough...

ACC Top Ten

ACC Top Ten

To all Googling basketball fans: that’s right, I totally tricked you and drove up the stats on the blog by making you think you were headed to some ACC-themed website.  But nope, this is for...

Point Counterpoint

Point Counterpoint

Hey Gaston, I thought we were friends. Last week on my blog, I put up a post with this title: Don’t Point…Take! And then yesterday, in what appeared to be a cyberslap in the face, you...

Ask Anything

Ask Anything

Okay blog peeps, I need some help.  As many of you know, I run another little bloggity blog in another corner of cyberspace.  Over on that blog I’m working on a somethin’-somethin’ that will debut...

That Rings A Bell…

That Rings A Bell…

I thought we had a policy against moonlighting.

Lord of the Beans

Lord of the Beans

Sometimes I underestimate my flock. If you’re not a Summit attendee, you may not know that I’m the Campus Pastor of our Brier Creek AM Campus.  If you are a Summit attendee, you should know...

When “Yes” Leads To “No”

In a church our size, there are plenty of opportunities to do plenty of things.  Big things.  Small things.  Expensive things.  Free things.  Hard things.  Easy things.  Things, things, and more things… “Would you partner...

The Nines In The Can

The Nines In The Can

If you’re not a church nerd, you might have missed The Nines yesterday, a free online conference sponsored by Leadership Network. The premise: dozens of leaders sharing nine minutes of their best stuff, all day...

Little Big Church

Little Big Church

This church is big.  (How big is it?) It’s so big that when we buy coffee at B.J.’s people question whether we have our own coffee company (think about that one for a second…doesn’t make...