Category: Staff Stuff

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Summit offices are closed Thursday and Friday, and I’m taking a blogging break until next week.  I’ll be spending the weekend eating, reading and putting up the tree. And depending on how J.D. and Rick feel about this...

J.D.’s Product Placement

J.D.’s Product Placement

I’m proud to be the owner of the object that has been used as an illustration in several of J.D.’s sermons.  It happened again on Sunday for at least the fourth time.  Four is more...

Ya Think?

Ya Think?

Overheard in the Summit offices last week… Bethany:  Does anyone know the name of that Mexican restaurant over by Carolina Ale House in Brier Creek? Rick:  Ummm…it’s El something. By golly, I think he may...


This weekend, 143 of our students and leaders will be heading to Camp Willow Run for the annual fall retreat, with its uber-cool one-word title: ONE. For the first time in six years, I’m tagging...

The Blogosphere, She is Crowded

The Blogosphere, She is Crowded

My heart is filled with proverbial singing today as I officially introduce you to two new Summit blogs.  These are no ordinary blogs. These are “campus blogs.”  Yet even as the words are typed onto...

Oh I Wish I Were…

You’d better believe it, baby.  That’s the Weinermobile that rolled up into North Durham earlier this week, and Summit Student Pastor / fellow blogger Jason Gaston and I were there to witness it first-hand. I...

Growing Pains

Growing Pains

Most of human civilization recognizes this guy’s face.  Kirk Cameron rose to meteoric fame when he portrayed Cameron “Buck” Williams in the smash blockbuster, Left Behind, which brought in literally dozens of dollars at the...

My Life in Pictures

My Life in Pictures

This was my view this time last week. Nothing but my ten hideous toes and the vast expanse of my in-laws’ pool. This is my view this morning.  A few hundred info cards from Sunday’s...