Category: Staff Stuff

Announcing the Connections Workshop: Guest Services

UPDATE (March 15): the April 22 event is now at capacity, but we’ve added another event on June 17. Sign up for email updates, or keep an eye on the blog / Twitter for the...

2015: A Look Back

This weekend in our services at the Summit, we took some time to celebrate what God did last year. To be honest, I view a video like the one below and it’s hard to wrap...

Beware the Emotional Postmortem

We’re just coming out of a two day conference our church hosted for almost 200 pastors. That conference was immediately followed by an all-church event that brought a couple thousand people together to talk about...

Don’t Waste Your Guinea Pig

In 1940, an Australian pathologist named Howard Florey conducted a clinical trial to examine the effect of penicillin on mice. He injected eight mice with deadly bacteria, and followed up with a penicillin treatment on...

Christmas at DPAC: Who It’s For

(This post originally appeared on December 9, 2014.) We’re neck-deep in last-minute planning for one of the largest events we do all year. Christmas at DPAC takes months of planning, miles of cable, tons of lights,...

Explain the Why

You’ve undoubtedly heard the story of the husband and the ham. It’s a must-do illustration for all pastors. So much so, that all Southern Baptist seminaries require graduates to sign a contract stipulating that they...

Scooting the Saltshaker

Last week I revisited one of the better books on hospitality I’ve read in the last few years. Setting the Table by Danny Meyer is part autobiography, part how-to guide. Meyer is a crazy-successful restauranteur in New...

Flashback Friday: Ten Ways to Keep it Clean

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you! 1. Pick up the trash. Inside. Outside. Your space. Someone else’s space. If...

Take Ownership (part two)

In yesterday’s post we discussed the problem of ownership: the fact that in every organization, there is usually a super-small group of people / individual who is radically passionate about their role. And surrounding them is...

When Culture Leaks

Last week my family had a glorious few days in The Happiest Place on Earth. As you know if you have read this blog for seven minutes, I’m somewhat of a Disney fan. I love...