Standing in the Shadow of the Kingdom
If you’re a regular reader, you’re well aware of my love of all things Disney. I love the parks, I love the culture, I love their obsessive attention to detail and their fastidious commitment to...
If you’re a regular reader, you’re well aware of my love of all things Disney. I love the parks, I love the culture, I love their obsessive attention to detail and their fastidious commitment to...
It was a day to remember, but for all the wrong reasons. Merriem and I had heard great things about a particular restaurant in Durham (no, I won’t tell you the name of the place). It...
Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you! On Friday, Merriem and I stole away to one of our favorite...
It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy. (Remember: click on the bold print to read the entire...
Last week my wife was checking out at a local grocery store. While the lady in front of her was wrapping up her transaction and Merriem was starting to unload her cart, she overheard the...
If you’ve read virtually any marriage book published since 1982, you’re familiar with the personality traits known as microwaves and crock pots. Personally, I’ve always thought my personality was more like a grilled-cheese-created-by-an-iron-in-a-dorm-room, but maybe that’s more about...
This post title is what you would call “hyperbole.” When guests show up on the weekend, there’s no need to tie them to a chair, flip on a spotlight, and play good cop / bad...
Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you! It seems simple enough: when you give someone a leadership role, you...
It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy. (Remember: click on the bold print to read the entire...
Recently I was on a flight from Atlanta to San Antonio. It was a typical travel leg: crowded plane, too-small seat, frustrated passengers ready to get to their destination. In many ways, it was completely normal. Until...