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Ministry Grid Launches

Ministry Grid Launches

Earlier this year I told you about Ministry Grid, an online training tool that will help you take church leadership development to a new level. I’m honored to be a small part of the Ministry...

So, “Atheist Megachurches” Are Apparently A Thing

So, “Atheist Megachurches” Are Apparently A Thing

Saw this article over the weekend in USA Today. The AP reports that “dozens of gatherings” of atheists are popping up across the U.S. after gaining ground in Britain. Here’s a clip: Hundreds of atheists...

Flashback Friday: Embracing Awkwardness

Flashback Friday: Embracing Awkwardness

We’ve been trying to meet as many neighbors as possible, a difficult feat when the average temperature this summer was Surface Of The Sun. But one neighbor I met fairly early on was a delightful...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

How Office Control Freaks Can Learn to Let Go. (via @Lifehacker) My name is Danny, and I am a control freak. (Hi, Danny!) If you find yourself taking on an increasing number of projects and/or people,...

Going the Extra Mile

Going the Extra Mile

I’m always amazed at our volunteer team’s insatiable desire to create a “wow” moment whenever they get a chance. But I’ve been really amazed at what I’ve witnessed the last couple of weekends at our Chapel Hill Campus....

Just Get Out Of The Way

Yesterday on my way home from church, I had an experience that was so surreal, so otherworldly, that I just wanted to keep driving around for a while in order to extend the moment (but...

Flashback Friday: Let ‘Em Own It

Flashback Friday: Let ‘Em Own It

I’m busy rifling through my daughter’s candy basket, picking out all the Snickers bars. Meanwhile, here’s a post from the archives: Your team will make mistakes. They will have an error. They will fall flat on their face or trip over...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

When Jesus Haunts Your Halloween. (via @davidcmathis) When Jesus haunts our Halloween, we pour in the extra energy and creativity to capitalize on this opportunity to meet new neighbors and go deep with the old —...

What’s Your Brown M&M?

One of my favorite “details” stories revolves around Van Halen and their brown M&Ms. Disclaimer: I didn’t listen to much Van Halen as a kid. I remember when “Jump” made it big on the radio....

Flashback Friday: Autumn Has Arrived

Flashback Friday: Autumn Has Arrived

After my little tirade at the beginning of Wednesday’s post, I was reminded anew how much I dislike the word “Autumn.” (I think it was invented by Hallmark to sell more cards, or something.) But...