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Flashback Friday: They Get It

Flashback Friday: They Get It

I love a good volunteer story at the Summit Church. I love stories of people who sacrifice their good for the greater good. You’ll love this one, too. My husband and I were driving to...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

We’ve been celebrating Lazy Bum Week around the old blog, where I just put up other people’s content for your enjoyment. But since I normally do this every Thursday, we can officially say I’m no...

Thursday Three For All: Wednesday Edition

Thursday Three For All: Wednesday Edition

It’s Lazy Bum Week around the ol’ blog. I’m laying low and sharing some piled-up content that I’ve been collecting around the web. New stuff comes back next week. Enjoy! The Top Ten Hacks For...

Thursday Three For All: Tuesday Edition

Thursday Three For All: Tuesday Edition

It’s Lazy Bum Week around the ol’ blog. I’m laying low and sharing some piled-up content that I’ve been collecting around the web. New stuff comes back next week. Enjoy! Score Sheet to Measure How...

Thursday Three For All: Monday Edition

Thursday Three For All: Monday Edition

It’s Lazy Bum Week around the ol’ blog. I’m laying low and sharing some piled-up content that I’ve been collecting around the web. New stuff comes back next week. Enjoy! Name That Space Rock, A...

Flashback Friday: This Post is Rated PG-13

Flashback Friday: This Post is Rated PG-13

On Sunday my firstborn will turn 17. Dang. That makes his mama old. Here’s a chunk of a post I wrote four years ago when he hit his teenage years. Hey Jacob…thanks for not making...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

It’s the fourth day of the week, kiddies (or third day if you’re a complete Easter-hating pagan), which means it’s time for T34A, three links that have grabbed my attention and shook it like a...

The Problem with Guerrilla-Style Evangelism

Saturday morning I was heading through the Starbucks drive through far too early, ordering my requisite Venti Blonde (I don’t care if you order a Tall, Grande, or Venti, you can never, ever order something...

Does Attitude Match Atmosphere?

Last weekend I blazed through Nelson Searcy’s new book Connect: How to Double Your Number of Volunteers. I’m sure I’ll return to this blog in the weeks to come to more fully unpack some of the content,...

First Impressions Rap

First Impressions Rap

There’s talent, and then there’s crazy talented. My friend Ashley Unzicker has and is both. Ashley is one half of the Unzicker duo. Her husband Todd is a fellow pastor at the Summit, our Campus...