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Still Can’t Top It

Still Can’t Top It

Say what you will about last night’s Super Bowl commercials, this one from 1999 is still my favorite one ever: (although I’ll admit, this one was pretty good too)

Flashback Friday: Exceed the Expectation

Flashback Friday: Exceed the Expectation

Ah, Friday. The day where I’m intentionally lazy and repost to the glory of God. …I decided to go for broke and just invite him to church.  Sure enough, he showed up the following Sunday. ...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Remember kids, click on the bold print to see the original article. If Only They Knew How Many Times We Wanted To Quit! A great post on marital longevity by my friend Matt Pearson. Couples who have...

Gospel or Gimmick?

One of the plumblines for our First Impressions Team is that the gospel is offensive, but nothing else should be (follow the link for a more detailed explanation). That means we intentionally enter into each...

Your Best Is Only As Good As Your Worst

Last night was a fun moment in the life of the Franks family, if you define “fun” as torture + horror x infinity. Jacob and Austin’s school was playing basketball against a school in Wake...

Marshmallow Grabbing and the Gospel

Yesterday I was rolling down the road and listening to NPR, because apparently I’m 62 and have an affection for endangered spotted owls. They were doing a feature story on the infamous “Marshmallow Test” conducted...

Flashback Friday: She Got It

Flashback Friday: She Got It

I ran across this old post, and it brought back great memories not only of a Durham Performing Arts Center event nearly three years ago, but a reminder of how incredible the DPAC staff was...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

If Days Could Speak. Trevin Wax beautifully encapsulates the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. The tears of those affected are unseen, because they never had the chance to cry. Their suffering is silent, captured only...

Meet ’em in the Middle

Last week Merriem and I celebrated our 20th anniversary. We capped the day by visiting a swanky steakhouse here in Durham (not because I’m lavish, but because somebody gave us a gift card). We’d been...

Taking The Guesswork Out Of Guest Services

Taking The Guesswork Out Of Guest Services

Hey campers: I’m working on a new blog series that’ll debut soon, and I need your help. If you’re a small church, big church, or in-between church, chances are your guest services team needs tweaking....