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Flashback Friday: Blame It On The Rain

Flashback Friday: Blame It On The Rain

Since it’s a bright sunny day outside, I figured it made sense to take us back to a rainy-day post. Because I’m all depressing like that. There are moments when you know that the pain...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Here it is, kiddies, the long awaited Thursday Three For All, Valentine’s Day edition. (You’ve been long awaiting right?) Mystery Surrounds Missing World War II Love Letters.  Reading one out loud, Marian’s voice broke. The...

Grow Small Before You Go Big

The best ministry leaders are dreamers. Huge visionaries. Think-ten-years-ahead kind of people. They know what the end result should look like, and they stack strategies and fund budgets and build teams to move the dream...

Making The Most Of Every Opportunity

One of the scriptures that drives our First Impressions Team is Colossians 4:5-6: Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so...

Give It Away

This weekend the Summit played host to representatives from a couple of different church staff teams. They were spending time with us in order to observe some of the ministry initiatives they’re intending to launch...

Flashback Friday: Greater Love Hath No Man…

Flashback Friday: Greater Love Hath No Man…

Next week my friend and long-time fellow Summit pastor Brad O’Brien heads to the north country. Brad, his wife Jena-Marie, and a truckload of folks from the Summit are moving to Baltimore to plant Redeemer...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Three things I’ve been reading. Three things I hope you’ll enjoy. Remember: click the bold print to read the whole shebang. Watching is Not Doing (Confronting the Spectator Problem). Oh, that our pew-dwellers would read and heed Seth...

You Need a CEO

Every person on the planet needs a CEO. The Apostle Paul had one. King David had one. And if you don’t have one, you need to get one. I’m talking about a Chief Encouragement Officer....

When Culture is Broken

Whether you manage a store or minister at a church, sometimes you have to face the harsh reality that your culture is broken. Exhibit A: last Thursday I went to a local big-box store for...

Still Can’t Top It

Still Can’t Top It

Say what you will about last night’s Super Bowl commercials, this one from 1999 is still my favorite one ever: (although I’ll admit, this one was pretty good too)