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Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

I have a Reese’s Cup hangover. Read this stuff instead: Disney Textile Services Reduces Turnover From 85% to Less Than 10%. Yes, it’s a boring title. But it’s a fascinating article. How are you allowing your...

Calling All Connections Pastors

Calling All Connections Pastors

Connectors gonna connect. Back in 2003 when I started in the brand new role of Assimilation Pastor here at the Summit Church, I had one thought on my mind: “Does assimilation have one ‘m’ or...

All In Means All In

All In Means All In

  Our church is currently smack in the middle of a series called “All In.” If you’re not a part of the Summit, All In is a movement that is part capital campaign, part mission...

You Never Leave Middle School

…or at least that was the famous saying of a student pastor I used to work with. His theory was that we never really leave behind the self-concious insecure zit-focused weirdness that seems to punctuate...

Flashback Friday: Defining Insanity

Flashback Friday: Defining Insanity

Every Friday we jump in the Wayback Machine so that I don’t have to come up with fresh content. Today we jump in the WayWayWAYback Machine, dredging up a post from nearly four years ago....

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

It’s Thursday, kids. And around these parts that means Thursday Three For All…a trio of stuff that I’ve been reading and enjoying this week. Let’s go. Inside Starbucks’ $35 Million Mission to Make Brand Evangelists...

Connected vs. Committed

Every weekend, my role is to love people who are connected and people who are committed. Every weekend, my goal is to convince people who are connected to become people who are committed. (Feel free...

Embracing Awkwardness

Alright, blogosphere, we have a serious matter to discuss. Grab some coffee. Clear your minds. Focus on the topic at hand: Hugging a complete stranger. A bit of background: Merriem and I are new to...

Why We Don’t Use The “V-Word”

My family is going through a season where we have to watch our language. We have a two year old politeness monitor who has been told that she can’t say “stupid.” So every time I...

Flashback Friday: Fried Cheese, How I Love Thee

Flashback Friday: Fried Cheese, How I Love Thee

It’s State Fair time in North Carolina again…the time when you load up your family in the minivan, head down I-40, and embark on a fun-filled evening of applying hand sanitizer to every square inch...