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Tales From The Laundromat

Tales From The Laundromat

Last weekend we had a baptism service of ginormous proportions here at the Summit. Over two days in fifteen worship experiences at six campuses, we saw 305 people cross from death to life and symbolize...

Stop. Think.

Every weekend, you commit a huge sin against those that come into your church: you refuse to think through their experience. You don’t think about where they’ll park, which door they’ll enter, how they’ll find...

Tea Time

Tea Time

Merriem captured these pictures just before the Super Bowl party last night. Best imaginary tea I’ve ever had! All those things you guys have been telling me about having a daughter? So true. Be still...

Flashback Friday: Salvation by Super Bowl?

Flashback Friday: Salvation by Super Bowl?

It’s Friday, Friday, the day of the week where everyone wants to find the girl who sang that song and just clock her upside the head. Today we dust off the archives and rewind three...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

‘Tis another Thursday, blog readers, which means it’s time for T34A, a feature where I step back and let others step up. It’s social networking at it’s finest. It’s a tip o’ the hat to...

Send In The Clowns

Last weekend we made a big push for new volunteers on our First Impressions Team. The goal was 150 new people to step up to serve across six services at our Brier Creek Campus. It...

Make It Remarkable

Update: Sharon Adl-Doost – featured in the post below – passed away in 2017. While the Lunch Lady Hotline is no longer a working number, I’ve chosen to leave the post up in honor of a...

Do For One

Last night in our super-awesome small group, we were going through part four of the super-awesome curriculum our super-awesome small group staff put together. We spent a few minutes talking about a wee little man...

Flashback Friday: Jonah Moments

Flashback Friday: Jonah Moments

We’re forever on the cusp of cutting edge here at Connective Tissue (the name of this blog. Pay attention.). Three weeks ago I introduced you to Thursday Three For All. Today we begin Flashback Friday....

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

The T34A is back…three links to stuff I’ve been reading and think might be of some interest to you. Enjoy. Singapore Airport’s extraordinary customer service (thanks to Brad O’Brien for the link) To Do Lists...