This Post is Rated Pee.G.
I have a dog. You know that if you’ve read the blog-that-is-not-a-dog-blog for any length of time. But more specifically, I have a dog that I don’t understand, and I’m convinced that no one else...
I have a dog. You know that if you’ve read the blog-that-is-not-a-dog-blog for any length of time. But more specifically, I have a dog that I don’t understand, and I’m convinced that no one else...
We’re in the middle of a several-week series called Topical Tuesdays, where you pick the topic and I make up answers. You can add your topic / question to the list by commenting on this...
This one goes out to my Summit peeps. This weekend, many of us experienced what could be a game-changer for our marriages. Whether Dr. Tripp’s teaching was brand new information for you or simply a...
I dig my wife. I hope that if you’ve spent more than 1.7 seconds with me, you pick up on that fact. We met over 19 years ago as high school sweethearts, and she still...
I’ve had two pretty major relational upheavals in my life lately that have left me quite shaken: my hair cut lady left the chain I’ve been going to for seven years, and my mechanic moved...
Dear Benevolent Benefactor: As the veteran of 17+ years of dwelling in church offices, this shouldn’t surprise me. It really shouldn’t. In my first ministry position, my “office” was a glorified card table in the...
We’re in the middle of a several-week series called Topical Tuesdays, where you pick the topic and I make up answers. You can add your topic / question to the list by commenting on this...
chutz·pa [khoot-spuh, hoot-] –noun 1. unmitigated effrontery or impudence; gall. 2. audacity; nerve. 3. my 12 year old standing above the student section at Cameron on Saturday night. Needless to say, this was a “before” picture. The “after”...
In case you’re not one of the three million Americans who have viewed this flippin’ amazing video, take 3:53 and watch it. I don’t even want to think about how long it took ’em to...
I’m not a world-class public speaker, but I do know that one of the unbreakable rules is that you should get to the point. Get to it soon, repeat it often, and make sure your...