The Baptism Report
I’ve had my snarky friends remind me for the past 24 hours that I am a blogger in a Twitter world and that my tardiness in passing along numbers is a reflection of my real-time...
I’ve had my snarky friends remind me for the past 24 hours that I am a blogger in a Twitter world and that my tardiness in passing along numbers is a reflection of my real-time...
I saw this ad on TV the other night and I have six words for you: 163 shopping days until my birthday. Somebody’s gotta get me one of these. Favorite moments: :26 – the little...
Anybody else have that cheer at your high school? That might have been my second-to-least favorite cheer that our cheerleading squad had, coming in only after “It’s hot, it’s hot, it’s hot in here…there must...
Your Why matters. You have to know it, your team has to know it, and you have to know that your team knows it. Here’s why you have to continuously repeat the Why… The Why...
Last Wednesday I watched in fascination as millions of Americans took to the streets to participate in “tea parties” – their official stamp of disapproval on paying taxes. I realized that if this pastor gig...
When I arrived at the office this morning, this guy* and one of his friends were waiting on me. I know it’s dreary and rainy and somebody out there is making cracks about building a...
Today we wrap up 50 Word Week on the blog. The title and this paragraph don’t count. Fifty words begin…now. Here’s what I’ve learned at the end of 50 Word Week: You can crank out...
We’re in the middle of 50 Word Week on the blog. The title and this paragraph don’t count. Fifty words begin…now. For the next three Sundays, we’re going to open the Bay as an additional...
We’re in the middle of 50 Word Week on the blog. The title and this paragraph don’t count. Fifty words begin…now. My two favorite headlines from last week: US Military Blows Up Pigs to Test...
We’re in the middle of 50 Word Week on the blog. The title and this paragraph don’t count. Fifty words begin…now. On Good Friday when I should have been observing the sacrifice of Jesus, I...