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50 Word Week: Headlines

50 Word Week: Headlines

We’re in the middle of 50 Word Week on the blog.  The title and this paragraph don’t count.  Fifty words begin…now. My two favorite headlines from last week: US Military Blows Up Pigs to Test...

50 Word Week: Confession

50 Word Week: Confession

We’re in the middle of 50 Word Week on the blog.  The title and this paragraph don’t count.  Fifty words begin…now. On Good Friday when I should have been observing the sacrifice of Jesus, I...

50 Word Week Begins

50 Word Week Begins

Today kicks off a new experiment on Connective Tissue – can a normally Wordy McWordington keep his thoughts to fifty words: no more, no less?  Five days.  Fifty words.  And no, the title and this...

Take a Breath, Summit Peeps…

Take a Breath, Summit Peeps…

…we’re just a couple of days away from Easter Sunday.  It will be the biggest attendance weekend in history at the Summit Church, and here’s what you can do to get prepared: Serving?  Then make...

…And I Was Afraid Easter Had Gotten Too Commercial…

…And I Was Afraid Easter Had Gotten Too Commercial…

Well, at least it wasn’t produced by LifeWay. My good friends at Hershey’s, the same people who brought us the Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg and my ever-expanding waistline / borderline sugar coma, have rolled out...

Evangelism Is Too Big Of A Deal

My goal for this Wednesday morning is to have three people (or people groups) incredibly mad at me, lining up at my office door with pitchforks, torches, and my effigy hanging from a cut-off tree...

Resurrection YES, Confusion NO

Resurrection YES, Confusion NO

Perhaps I should begin by apologizing for a lame blog title.  Sure, I could go back and correct it rather than typing this apology, but frankly I don’t want to.  I am still smack in...

Experience AND Evidence

Experience AND Evidence

The great thing about having a blog is that you can use it on Monday to clear up stuff you said on Sunday. If you were at our Brier Creek AM Campus yesterday, you know...

That’s My Boy

You’re looking at what’s known as a Game Ball.  Apparently, a Game Ball is a time-honored tradition in athletic circles, given to a select player in order to commemorate a special game. I don’t think Game Balls were...

By the Way, Happy April 1st…

By the Way, Happy April 1st…

If  you haven’t read yesterday’s post yet, go ahead.  Read it.  I’ll wait… (No, seriously.  It’ll be fun.) Welcome back.  In case you’re not the saltiest french fry in the Happy Meal – or if...