Tagged: guest services

It’s Not About Parking Cars

Guest services isn’t about how you serve your guests. It’s about why.  Parking a car, opening a door, seating a rear, and pouring a cup of coffee are means to an end. Sure, they’re an important means, but they’re...

Thursday Three For All

The Frugal Wow: How Small Gestures Create Lasting Loyalty. (via @HelpScout) Around these parts we talk a lot about delivering memorable moments. But those of us in ministry have a default setting that screams “memorable + ministry...

How to Get People to Move Down Front

I get it: when some of you read that title, you immediately began searching for white-hot needles to stick into your eyeballs, because the thought of nerdy, dry-as-yesterday’s-toast guest services talk makes you want to...

Liam Neeson & Bad Goodbyes

Warning: this post contains what the kids call “spoilers.” If you like your movies with a bit o’ suspense, you may wanna skip this one. Last weekend part of the Franks family picked up Non Stop from our...

How To Spot A First Time Guest

A few weeks ago, an alert reader alerted me to the fact that they’d never seen a post of this kind on the blog. Sadly, I was not alert enough to jot down the alert...

What’s Your Leaky Lid?

Let’s start by getting one thing straight: the above photo is a piece o’ stock photography I ripped off of the interweb. Anyone in their right mind knows that the first step in drinking a...

Culture Shock: I Need A Sign

Over the last few days I’ve been hanging my proverbial hat in Southeast Asia, spending some time with a couple of our different teams who are engaging with local people groups. I’ve traveled a decent amount...

Flashback Friday: Make it Remarkable

If you lead a ministry, there’s a little something extra that will lavish grace on those you’re reaching. If you manage a team, there’s a way you can interact that will build cohesion. If you’re...

Thursday Three For All

Jesus Hates Religion. He Really Does. (via @FoxNews) Boom diggity. Read it. Remember it. I know I need to. I think we as Christians have a reputation as conversation stoppers. When we engage people on the other...

Your Church Ain’t The DMV

I’m sorry for using such strong language in the title of this post. But sometimes “ain’t” is the only word that will suffice. So I apologize to all of my English teachers from the past,...